Thinking At The 2021 Future-Lifestyle Design Trends For Marketing Fashion Industry


Much like any other industry the fashion and lifestyle industry saw a dip due to pandemic this year. From creative lifestyle designer to fashion design services providers, everyone in the sector faced the heat of the slowdown. But as they say, the show must go on, though the pandemic is not over yet the industry has started to get back on its feet. From quarantine fashion to normal life fashion the shift is steady but positive.

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With travels, parties, and going out restricted there is less to flaunt off the styles or get special dresses for special occasions. Thus, the fashion industry has to adjust as per the new normal. Also in the new year that is 2021 the industry has the challenge to present itself as per this new normal. Marketing of brands, products, and companies in the fashion industry is all best to take in the new changes. And taking that thing into consideration we are here going to discuss some of the trends that would be a key while going with the marketing part in the fashion industry. So, let’s take a look as you bid adieu to 2020.

The Pandemic Shift 

Lifestyle Fashion and clothing has been given a whole new shift. The year was dominated by social distancing and mask-wearing and the thing that relates to the fashion industry is the latter one. Yes, the mask, necessity of mask-wearing is here to stay for some time. And as it has become an important part of life it has become an important part of the attire as well. Many of the fashion brands have caught this trend and have already started marketing.

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A proper formal suit for men or a partywear, a western attire for women, or a wedding wear lehenga-choli set all have incorporated a matching mask as an integral element. Masks matching with dresses for every day or the masks matching the bikinis the fashion industry has adopted and would have to keep marketing this mask trend with the clothes considering that it has become an essential and necessary element of life.

Anti-Germ Clothing

Germ, viruses, bacteria, the words which we last heard in our science textbook keywords for many industries and not just hygiene ones. Anti-germ, germ-shield are the common terms that we hear these days. And guess what the fashion industry has found the use of it. Ant-germ clothing material, virus-free clothing suits have become an important trend too. Many textile houses shifted to antiviral apparel and the marketing started quickly and fast.

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In this category, the scope is good for kids & infants and the elderly sub-section. Since younger ones and the elderly are the most vulnerable to the recent COVID-19 virus fashion brands started targeting clothes for them in the initial phase. And considering the long-term stay of the virus, this segment would be a key one to focus on. The marketing of products from the segment would be a trend that would continue in 2021. And who knows you might see something interesting like the antiviral party wears, formal wear and casual wear becoming a popular trend next year.

Fashion To Designing

The fashion and designing industry runs quite close to each other. And in the post-pandemic time, this nearness has only increased. We have seen certain clothing brands entering lifestyle or interior designing elements like curtains and pillow covers to expand the user base to cover up the losses. In 2021 there would be an increase in this effort that is something we can say. Many fashion firms are likely to come out with their interior designing collections.

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What we want to say is that if you can expect curtains, pillow covers, sofa covers, etc to be a part of the fashion product package that some of the big brands may roll out. Here collaboration with interior designing and home decor firms would be a thing that the fashion industry would adapt to market itself better in the coming year.

Offers And Sales

Coming to the most important part of all (if we talk about customer attraction and retention) the sales and offers. Sales and discounts are a sine qua non in the fashion industry and they have been a pull factor for many buyers. In 2020 and 2021 as the industry tries to pull back the sales number you would see more of the sales and big ones. This year we saw massive discounts of up to 80% off being offered on sales as the industry tried to keep itself afloat amidst the tough times. These big slashes in price would be a part of most of the online sales ( and offline as well) that would come in 2021. The best of the start for it is the new year sale that has kicked off and the black Friday sale that was live a month ago.

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Creating An Influence

One thing that the fashion industry has relied on in terms of marketing and is going to see more reliance on in the coming times is influencer marketing. With flashy advertisement shoots or the regular TV advertisements becoming a bit costly affair amidst the recovery phase marketing through fashion influencers online would be the idea for the industry.

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Now, here not only the big stars but the mid and low fan base fashion stars or influencers would have a role to play as the firms in the industry would be trying to grab more eyeballs with fewer investments. Thus, you would see the Instagram reels, short video platforms getting flooded with the promotional work by the influencers. In parallel to this would be the discounts and offers with specialized codes that would be floated for the influencers fan base meaning that the influencer would be converting its following into potential customers for the firms.

Well, with 2021 almost there this is something that we can predict based on our research for the fashion industry and its marketing for the next year. If you feel that we missed something then we would love to listen to you and would like to hear your take on the matter. Don’t forget to share this if you liked what you just read.