Finding a Bed on a Budget


Finding the best bed for your budget involves more than narrowing your price range. Luckily for you, beds come in a wide range of styles within even the tightest budget. This means you have more decisions to make and get far more say in how your bed complements your lifestyle than just how it impacts your wallet.

When looking for a new bed, it’s smart to begin with size. More than anything, the size of your bed dictates a lot about its functionality. Consider how you like to sleep and whether you need extra space for a partner or even the occasional kid with nightmares. In general, a queen provides plenty of room for a couple, though adding in a snuggly dog might push it into crowded. Once you have determined the necessary mattress size, it’s time to measure your bedroom. Your bedframe will, in most cases, occupy a larger space than your mattress, so it’s important to measure exactly how much space you have to play with on every side. 

Remember that you will need to walk around your bed every day, too. It’s not enough for the frame to fit in the space; it should also fit comfortably, with plenty of room to spare. Consider how your bed will be arranged inside the room, too. Think about window, vent, and outlet placements. You don’t want to block any of these essentials. Of course, this can be a tricky proposition in smaller apartments, so you might need to get creative or look for platform beds with the smallest footprint or no headboard. 

Next, consider the bed features that will benefit your lifestyle. For example, consider whether a trundle bed or loft makes sense in a kid’s room for sleepovers, or whether extra pull-out storage will help supplement the minimal closet space. Be careful, however, because any extendable element will require extra space to use effectively. For truly tiny bedrooms, a murphy bed is often a great option, since it frees up floor space when the bed is not actively in use. You’ll need to assess your physical space and the demands of you and your family’s lifestyle when considering which features make the most sense and are worth the investment. Beds with multiple functions are generally the best option for the price since you end up maximizing your space or getting more benefits than just the bed itself.

Finally, it’s important to consider style, even on a budget. When looking for beds check prices online first. You’ll likely discover that a huge range of style options are still available to you, regardless of your budget constraints. Think about the rest of your bedroom and what atmosphere you want to cultivate. Your bed is the focal point of your bedroom, after all, so it will dictate the overall style of the entire space. For smaller rooms, especially, consider white or light wood stains. Lighter colors will help keep rooms feeling more open and airy, rather than cramped. Now, with these simple elements in mind, you’re sure to find the perfect bed for you in no time.