What Do You Mean By Fibonacci Sequence?

What Do You Mean By Fibonacci Sequence

Do you know who invented the Fibonacci Sequence? A famous Italian named Leonardo Pisano Bogollo (nicknamed Fibonacci) founded this unique mathematical sequence which was named Fibonacci after his name. This Fibonacci Sequence consists of the Fibonacci numbers which are a set of the whole numbers like 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5,8 .. and so on. This infinite sequence constructs the Fibonacci series. In this sequence, we see that each of the third terms is the added-up value of the preceding two numbers. 

Fibonacci Sequence – Nature’s Secret Code  

The Fibonacci Sequential pattern is rightly called the ‘nature’s secret code’ as in every Fibonacci sequence we find a unique pattern that repeats itself throughout the set. We can find the Fibonacci Sequence in the spirals of the sunflower, broccoli, cauliflowers, and also in the seashells. Thus, you see Fibonacci Series are indeed an interesting pattern. 

How Would You Define a Fibonacci Sequence? 

The Fibonacci sequence in simple terms can be defined as the sum of two numbers that precede the third number in the sequence. The first 20 Fibonacci numbers in a series are – 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,3455,89,144,233,377,610,987,1597,2584,4181.

The Golden Ratio of the Fibonacci Series 

The Fibonacci Series is represented as a spiral pattern of the Fibonacci numbers. The spiral starts in the structure of the rectangle which has length and breadth and forms the golden ratio of 1.618. The larger is the number of the Fibonacci series closer it gets approximately to the golden ratio. 

Where is Fibonacci Sequence Applied?

The application of the Fibonacci sequence is found in varied fields, let us see the applications in the same:

  • The series is used in the grouping or setting varied range of numbers.
  • Using the coding of computer algorithms etc.
  • Used in the composition of music. 
  • In the field of science like quantum physics and cryptocurrency. 

Fibonacci Numbers – Model of The Fibonacci Series

The Fibonacci numbers are the special kind of numbers that form this special type of sequence called the Fibonacci sequence. The sequence gots its popularity in mathematics for the Fibonacci number itself. The Fibonacci numbers are found in nature like it is found in plant and animal structure. These numbers are also known as nature’s universal rule or nature’s secret code. 

What Will Be the Formula for Fibonacci?

As known, the Fibonacci Numbers follow a specific and unique pattern among themselves. 

If you want to find any missing Fibonacci number then you are required to know the formula:

N = R1 + R2

Here N is the missing Fibonacci Number, R1 and R2 are the preceding two numbers of the sequence.  

Fibonacci Numbers Found in Nature

If observed carefully, Fibonacci numbers are found in different sequences of nature. Given below are common Fibonacci patterns which are found in nature’s lap. Let us see its beauty:

  • Do you know there are some flowers which are known as Fibonacci flowers! Roses, Buttercups, Lilies are some among them. They are called so as their pattern follows a definite pattern of the Fibonacci Series. 
  • The spiraled structured pines which are found in the pinecone give the exact number of the Fibonacci numbers. 
  • The sunflower seeds are arranged in a definite Fibonacci pattern. 
  • Do you collect seashells from the seashore? Then you must know that the seashells follow the pattern of Fibonacci Numbers. Even the starfishes also follow the same pattern.
  • Another interesting fact: The Great Pyramid at Giza was constructed with the practical application of the concept of Fibonacci numbers. 

So, do you see how nature never stops astonishing us! Even nature consists of Maths!

This was a detailed discussion on Fibonacci Series and the numbers which comprise and make the series popular. We are definitely intrigued by the discussion of this interesting concept. If you want to know more about such interesting mathematical concepts then visit Cuemath and explore the lucidly explained mathematical concepts.