10 React Best Practices That Every React Developer Must Follow In 2022

React Best Practices That Every React Developer Must Follow

React is one of most preferred front-end technologies (or a library) for building apps for the developers. It is used in building highly interactive and cross-platform apps. React is a flexible JavaScript library developed and maintained by Facebook Inc for building complicated UIs with ease. 

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In order to UI and UX, React employs a small piece of code called ‘Component’. In this article, we are gonna discuss best React practices which are to be implemented on Components.  

While developing an app you must follow the React best Practices otherwise you may end up putting more effort otherwise it would take a few minutes to do it. 

Grab a cuppa coffee and read these best Practices! 

1. Use Uppercase Letters For Naming the Components 

Like all the other React developers, if you are using JSX (JavaScript extension), then the naming of the component must start with an uppercase letter. 

To make it more clear, let’s take an example. 

  1. Write ‘Menu’ in the place of ‘menu.’
  2. Write SelectButton instead of ‘Selectbutton.’

If you are not using JSX, you can use lower case letters. In that case, the reusability of the code beyond your project will be restricted. 

2. Keep Components Small And Function Specific 

React makes it possible to have huge components that execute several tasks. But the excellent way to design pieces is to keep the coding and components small so that a single component corresponds to only a single function. A single component should render a specific bit of the page or change the particular behaviour. You can check the pros of the same: 

  1. Function-specific components can be standalone, which makes testing and maintenance quite simple. 
  2. Every small component can be reused across various projects. 
  3. Components which perform general functions can be available to the community. 
  4. Smaller components are easy to optimise. 
  5. Easy to update smaller components. 
  6. Larger components are trickier to maintain 

That is why it is essential to keep the components small and function-specific.

3. Stress on Reusability 

Using the rule of “One function = one component,” you can enhance the reusability of the components used in React. That means you must ignore trying to build a new component for a function if the component already exists for that particular function. Using the components again across your project will give you the same consistency, which is vital for reusing the same components again. On the other side, if any component becomes big, bulky, and complex to maintain, it is good to break it up into as many smaller components as required.

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For instance, you can even go further and create a Button component that can handle icons. Then, each time you need a button, you will have a component to use. Making the code accurate will allow you to cover many projects with the same coding methodology because you will be able to put that in between the next project you will complete. But remember that the components you are using are conceptual but should not be overly complex. 

4. Keep Your Code Short & Sweet 

A simple rule for all code is to keep it as small and brief as possible. Since best practices for react development advise that you need to keep code as small as possible. Another way is to avoid duplication, i.e., Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY). 

You can do this by examining the code for repeated patterns and similarities. If you find any, you may be repeating code, and there is scope to eliminate duplication. It is like a bit of rewriting that can make it more concise. 

5. Put CSS In JavaScript 

Another Best practice from React is to keep all the CSS styles in a single SCSS file. The use of a prefix removes any possible name clash. However, this solution may not be reasonable when your project is scaled. 

6. Opt for Commenting Only When it is Inevitable 

It is considered React best practice to use commenting only when necessary and hits two targets with a single bow which is as follows: 

  • It will keep your code clean.
  • It would be less troublesome if you happened to change the code later on. 

7. Use Tools to Help in Reusability  

One of the Best Practices to help Reactjs developers that to help them organise all their React components is the use of tools like Bit. These tools assist them in maintaining and reusing the code. Other than that, it helps code to become discoverable and promotes team collaboration in building components. 

8. Follow Other Naming Conventions

When working with React, you are using a JavaScript Extension file. Any components that the React developers use will be created in the Pascal case or upper camel case because this translates to names without spaces and with the first letter capital of every word. If any developer wants to create the function, they must submit a form, give a name of that form as SubmitForm in the upper camel case, and avoid the naming system like submitForm, submit_form, or Submit_form. 

9. Name The Component After The Function 

Naming a component on the function it executes makes it recognizable among fellow teammates and the community. 

For instance, the component name ‘ProductTable’ – denotes what the component does. On the other hand, if you name the files or components based on the needs for the code, it will confuse you in the future when you want to use those smaller codes in any functions created in React application. 

Let’s discuss another example, 

Suppose there is a component named ‘Avatar.’ By reading it, anyone can use it. On the other hand, a component called ‘AuthorAvatar.’ The word ‘Author’ in the name limits its usage to Authors only. 

10. Use Linter at the End of Coding 

Linting is the process of analysing code quality for errors and bugs. Developers follow this procedure to solve language-related issues and solve other problems such as code style. 

The Nut Shell 

This is a list of best Practices from React that you need to follow as a certified react developer. If, as a developer, you will not follow these Practices, then you may struggle to develop applications. Following these React best Practices will help you build quality applications in the least time.