Never Lose Your Memories : Why You Should Start Journaling


Do you ever feel like life is just passing you by? It’s easy to fall into a routine or find yourself so busy that you forget to take the time to reflect on who you are as a person, where you want to be in life and whether you’re satisfied with where you currently are. One way to proactively slow down and process your thoughts, goals and experiences is to keep a journal. Journaling is a habit that can make a huge difference in your thoughts, mood and life in general. Rather than watch your days fly by in a haze and losing your best memories, consider why you should start journaling.

Benefits of Journaling

Keeping a journal offers numerous benefits, both physical and intangible. By writing your experiences in a central location, you have a record of the places you’ve been, what you’ve seen, how you’ve been affected and ways you’ve grown. Journaling allows you to slow down and take a moment to purposefully take note of the things that are most important to you at this moment.

Jour journal can provide you with a great reminder of just how much you’ve accomplished, as well as where you may have misstepped and what your goals are for the future. It’s a way to prevent living your life on auto-pilot or getting stuck in a rut. When you journal on a regular basis, you can monitor your progress, which allows you to grow from your experiences. You’ll gain a better insight and understanding of yourself. When you journal, you’re getting things out of your head. This simple act can do wonders to improve stress, anxiety and overwhelm. In addition, a journaling habit improves writing, communication and creativity. It can enhance your focus and attention as well.

Types of Journaling

The beauty of journaling is that there are really no rules. However, one thing to keep in mind is that recording your thoughts on a regular basis has been shown to provide the most benefits. You don’t have to stress if you miss a day or two once in a while, though. You’re in charge of your journaling practice, and that goes for the type of journal you decide to keep.

When people think of a journal, a bound book or ledger often comes to mind. Writing in a book is a wonderful way to keep a journal, especially for those who are tactile and enjoy the process of writing with a pen or other implement. Some folks love picking out a special book that reflects their style and using special pens to record their thoughts in it. Others might like a plain spiral-bound notebook or even a sketch pad. A paper journal of some sort lets you express yourself through writing, collaging, painting, drawing and more. It can be fun to use your hands and art supplies to create. This type of system isn’t the only, or even the best, way to journal.

Maybe you’re someone who prefers technology and is used to keeping notes electronically. If so, you have lots of options that can be just as fulfilling and creative as recording in a paper journal. There are apps that are set up with all kinds of useful functions and categories so that you can stay organized. You may even benefit most from a specialized app meant for keeping a camper journal, food diary, fitness and health tracker or a to-do list. Electronic journaling methods offer all sorts of avenues for personalizing your journaling experience. Do you want to have some accountability or share your knowledge and adventures with others? A blog might be a perfect option for you. There’s no need to limit yourself when it comes to maintaining a journal.

Hopefully, you’re feeling inspired to start your own journal after reading these tips and benefits. Remember, journaling is a personal endeavor. The medium you choose to record your thoughts is up to you. So is what you decide to include in your journal, the type of journal you keep and even how often you journal. Journaling isn’t a homework assignment, and it won’t be graded. Starting a journal is a way to store your memories, process your thoughts and assess your growth. Enjoy the process.