10 Tips for Traveling in Costa Rica

Costa Rica

Costa Rica is the dream destination for adventurous travelers looking to experience the beauty of nature and the charm of its people. With a variety of natural attractions and intriguing cultural practices, there’s much to explore and enjoy in this small Central American country. 

A trip to Costa Rica is an ideal way to escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life and immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, culture, and experiences that define this distinct culture. 

To help you plan your Costa Rican getaway, here are some tips and tricks to make your travel experience as enjoyable and worry-free as possible.

10 Tips to Consider While Planning to Travel to Costa-Rica

  • Be Mindful of the Currency

When you’re traveling to Costa Rica for a vacation, it’s important to be mindful of the currency. The official currency of Costa Rica is the Costa Rican Colón. This is the currency you’ll use to pay for many things during your travels, so plan ahead to make sure you have enough colons in cash, or other accepted payment methods. 

Protect yourself from exchange rate fluctuations, consider carrying some US dollars as well as colones. Always keep small bills and coins on hand just in case small purchases arise. Whether you’re shopping in souvenir shops, eating out in local restaurants, or catching a bus, being prepared with the right currency will help ensure your travels in Costa Rica are stress-free.

  • Use a Travel Guide

Traveling to Costa Rica for a vacation can be an amazing experience, but it can also be difficult to navigate a foreign place. One of the best tips for travelers is to hire a Travel Guide to help them explore the country. 

A Costa Rica travel guide can help point out exciting destinations and attractions, show you the best places to eat, or even help you find accommodation. They can also provide useful information on local customs and laws, as well as provide back-up in case of an unexpected emergency. 

They can also offer tips on where to find the best restaurants, nightlife, and other hotspots. With their assistance, you can be sure that your vacation in Costa Rica will be unforgettable.

  • Take Care of Your Belongings While Traveling in Costa-Rica

You might ask, is Costa Rica safe to travel to? Yes, Costa Rica is safe to travel to. Pickpockets and small-time theft can be an issue in Costa Rica, even though it is generally a fairly safe country. By using common sense, you can avoid the headache of missing property.

First off, never leave anything visible inside a parked automobile. Try to park at a car park (some are watched over by enterprising residents) or close to other vehicles if you’re going to the beach.

Next, be aware that pickpockets operate in busy areas like marketplaces and bus terminals. Avoid leaving your baggage unattended, and if something happens, report the theft to the police department in your area.

  • Respect the People and Their Traditions

The people of Costa Rica are exceedingly joyful and kind. A Rican will always be willing to assist you and engage in a nice conversation when you travel to Costa Rica. Take advantage of their friendliness, but don’t forget to reciprocate the favor.

Politely request assistance. Respect local laws and regulations, particularly those about transportation and religion. Avoid being obstinate when haggling at stores and businesses. And never take photos without permission during your Costa Rica vacations.

  • Pack Travel Gear Appropriately

Depending on where you stay and the time of year, you’ll need bug spray in Costa Rica. The country does have its fair share of mosquitoes, so it’s always best to be safe than sorry. Bug spray is a need if you intend to spend time in a jungle or rainforest.

Wear sunscreen that won’t harm the coral reefs and drink lots of water because the sun may be very powerful in Costa Rica. Additionally, make every effort to find shade, especially during the hottest part of the day, midday.

Here are some packing suggestions for Costa Rica to assist you in carrying the proper gear for the country’s climate and topography.

  • Water shoes: Since you’ll be walking through the water a lot, make sure your footwear is strong, comfortable, and, if at all feasible, water-resistant.
  • Sunglasses: Even during the rainy season, they will be sunnier than you anticipate.
  • Water bottle: Avoid purchasing water there. Bring one with you and fill it with tap water.
  • A quick-dry towel and a raincoat will come in very handy when it rains. 
  • Loose pants and a backpack: It’s crucial to dress comfortably.
  • Book Accommodations Before Traveling 

Yes, to obtain the greatest deal during your Costa Rica travel, it’s always a good idea to reserve your accommodations in advance. This is especially true during peak seasons when costs rise and supply shrinks. If you make reservations in advance, you may frequently find excellent rates on lodging during your vacation in Costa Rica.

  • Be Careful Not to Litter

Costa Rica is a haven for environmental enthusiasts, and both the inhabitants. The government makes a big effort to protect Costa Rica’s nature and wildlife. So much so that, to maintain hygiene, even small neighborhood eateries have switched to biodegradable straws. Take note not to litter Costa Rica with plastic or any form of waste.

  • Try Using Public Transportation

Although Costa Rica’s public transportation is excellent, first-time visitors may find it bewildering. The bus is the best mode of transportation during Costa Rica vacations.

You can also use a cab, but before getting in, make sure to negotiate a fare with the driver. In Costa Rica, we frequently took the bus, and we learned a lot from the Facebook group Costa Rica via bus.

  • Be Mindful of the Language

When you plan a trip to Costa Rica, be mindful of the language of the country. Learning some of the basic phrases can help you communicate and make the most of your vacation. It is also important to be respectful of the culture and customs. It is best to try to avoid using any phrases that might be offensive or considered disrespectful. 

Pay attention to non-verbal cues such as body language and facial expressions, as they can give you an insight into the cultural norms. Keep in mind the power of your words and aim to be kind and open-minded when engaging with local people.

  • Travel With Your Documents

The law enforcement in Costa Rica has the authority by law to pull over any vehicle and demand to examine your documentation. A color copy of your passport and a photo of your tourist stamp should always be carried on you. Keep in mind that you must have your actual passport (not a color copy). You must also have your original driver’s license, and a current tourist stamp with you to legally drive in Costa Rica.

If you are stopped by the police, they will ask you for your passport, inquire as to your destination, and then release you. They rarely ask for anything else, and many of them can communicate in some level of English.

Another thing to keep in mind is how kind Costa Rican police officers are on the whole. They are happy to assist travelers.


Costa Rica is a country of immense beauty and diverse opportunities, and with a few tips, your travels in this destination can be an unforgettable experience. Whether you are looking to explore the rainforest, take part in some adventure sports, or one day lounge on its stunning white-sand beaches, Costa Rica will provide. So make sure to pack your excitement and don’t forget your camera — a Costa Rican journey is one worth documenting!

As with any travel adventure, take the time to immerse yourself in Costa Rican culture and treat your host country like you would your own. Embrace new experiences, try the local delicacies, and explore the exotic rainforests that Costa Rica is famous for. Traveling can be daunting at times but with a bit of preparation, some knowledge of the culture, and an open heart and mind – you’ll have a journey of a lifetime.