How to Correctly Promote Your Interior Decoration Brand on Instagram

How to Correctly Promote Your Interior Decoration Brand on Instagram

If you have a home decoration business, you can no longer afford to avoid Instagram. This visually rich social media is providing you with free marketing tools to connect your brand with thousands of your audiences. A recent article posted on clearly showed us how Instagram could help you build a successful business. So, then what are you waiting for? Let’s start developing your brand on Instagram today. Here are few important steps to correctly build & promote your brand online:

1) What’s in a name?

Let’s start from scratch. Before you advance into promotions& branding, you should first audit your account carefully. Is your Instagram handle easy to find? Let’s say your company name is Magnum interior & your user name is @besthomedecoratlowcost. Handle such as this will not going to bring you any business results. Your Handle should be short, clear& easy to remember. Also, it should point directly to your business. Handle names such as @magnuminterior, @magnum_decoration might be a good idea. Once you get this right, you should put your actual business name in the name section of your account. 

2) Your profile is the face of your business

If your company has a logo, you should definitely use that for your profile picture. As people can’t see or zoom in on the profile picture, you should make sure that the logo is properly visible & people can understand it clearly. If you are a sole owner, you can go for your own photo. Please make sure they are professional. Your account should be set up as a business profile, not as a personal account. This will give you many advantages that personal profiles don’t have. Business profile offers a direct click through contact option. All you have to provide is your email address or your contact no. You will also get insights such as reach, impressions etc. in the business profile. These analytics can be helpful to measure your business campaign. These will also help you to narrow down your potential customers. 

3) Remember, Content is the king

As you are in décor business, you are already one step ahead of other businesses. Instagram is a visual platform. In here, you can leverage beautiful photographs of your decoration to charmpotential customers. But make sure these photos or videos are relevant to your business. Your followers are following you because they wanted to see posts that showcase your beautiful decors. Posting personal pictures or completely irrelevant things might not be a good idea for your business account. When it comes to social media, the right contents will make your business &also, a set of wrong contents will break your business too. Your profile is going to be your online portfolio. So, make it as visually aesthetic as possible. Many content creators on Instagram repost their works a lot. But it is advisable that you avoid reposting. And even if you repost anything, make sure they are very less. If you share works done by other people, make sure to credit their names & mention their Instagram handle in the post, if they had one. 

4) Let’s use #Hashtags

As of now, Instagram allows its users to include 30 hashtags per post. These hashtags will help your post appear in relevant searches done by other people. Before you begin, it’s better to do a little bit of research about the trending hashtags of your industry. Make sure to add minimum 5-6 generic hashtags to your posts. Also, create a hashtag for your brand & include that in all of your post. 

5) Follow, Like, Comment & Share:

Engagement is significant for any kind of brand promotion. If your posts get more ‘likes’, ‘comments’ in the first 30 minutes, then your search result position will improve according to Instagram algorithm. Also, people who like more of your content will be able to see more of your stuff on their feed. That’s why you should check likes on Instagram & start brand development today. Also, don’t just let your users follow you. You should also follow important individuals or brand influencers. They cost lesser than celebrities’ yet bring a fair amount of business leads to your brand. It would be best if you also like & comment on other posts. That will show that you are active on social network. Also, if you interact with them regularly, your posts will be appearing more often on their feeds. This will eventually help you grow your followers’ count.


Remember, building your brand online is an art. And like any art, you will not master it overnight. The strategies, as mentioned above, will help you build your brand’s online foundation. But you must experiment& try new things. In this way, you will know what works for you & what does not. With a smart strategy & a little bit of hard work, you will be able to establish your business as a leading home décor brand.