Permanent Solution to Your Afro Type Hair Loss

Permanent Solution to Your Afro Type Hair Loss

Afro hair is simply different from other hair types. This difference is physical as well as chemical: it grows slower, it is much less dense, it is curly and kinky and coarse. Afro hair loss can be traced to a number of causes. It can be temporary or caused by hair shaft defects that happen when styling techniques destroy the hair shaft, and it leads to gradual hair thinning and breakage. Hair loss can be hereditary or self-induced like in traction Alopecia — the most common hair loss condition for African-Caribbean females. Traction Alopecia is a hair loss condition caused by chemical relaxers, extensions, or even tight braiding. Afro hair loss can also be caused by diseases like Alopecia Areata, Totalis, Universalis, Lupus, Telogen Effluvium. When considering an afro hair transplant, what’s most important is to establish a correct diagnosis first and then pursue the suitable treatment. For this finding, just any surgeon won’t do but the right surgeon. Afro hair transplant cost varies depending on the nature of hair loss and on the type of transplant.

There are many types of transplants, but the most common are FUE and FUT, which both cost 1K- 2K. These treatments are charged per package for they include the cost of surgeries as well as aftercare programmes to ensure maximum results. The packages cover accommodations, airport transport, a comprehensive aftercare programme, medication and complementary products to care for the new hair.

In general afro hair loss treatment, hair follicles are extracted from the back of the head or sides and transplanted into the affected area. Of the two transplant solutions, there are, the FUE and FUT, it is common to see people favour FUE treatment because its technique ensures that there are no scars after transplant and there are minimal pain and trauma. However, afro hair loss is different; its hair follicles usually cover more areas of the scalp than other hair types. What this means is that during follicle extractions in order to perfectly take out each follicle, it might need bigger incisions; in addition, people with afro hair have a tendency for keloid scarring. For this procedure, FUE is difficult to employ, and for that, it can be very costly; however, FUT is easily appropriate.


For a successful afro hair transplant, a good amount of knowledge about the nature of afro hair is a must for both surgeon and patient so that the best available decisions can always be reached. An Afro hair transplant procedure frequently creates the following sort of challenges for a hair transplant clinic:

  1. Unlike among other ethnic groups, the afro hairline shape is different. It is straighter with a closed-off frontotemporal outline than in other ethnicities.
  2. It comes in a curly hair follicle; this makes it difficult to extract each hair follicle one after the other without getting them damaged.
  3. While the clinic prepares for a transplant, it is very important that the surgeon be very skilled and also that there is an assistant who is just as skilled too. For as the surgeon does the extraction one after the other, there must be another who with the right tools and technology makes sure the follicles are kept clean and separated for good transplanting because the hair is curly.

Therefore considering the complex nature of afro hair transplant, it is advisable that for the best result patients consider not the cost but what packages clinics offer. Good diagnosis through consultation is the first step to securing a good transplant without which any attempt would certainly be wasteful. Also important is the level of support, and aftercare on offer.


Though the FUE transplant is great at ensuring scarless scalp and less pain, it might or might not be appropriate for afro hair transplant. This makes it more important to consider the very best hands available for the transplant, and before that, the consultation. Finding a reputable clinic is great, and one can rest assured that in the hands of qualified surgeons, the downsides of  FUT will be taken care of.

Turkey has such quality surgeons with plenty of years of experience, and reputable facilities to work with that one can be very certain of an excellent result if any of its clinics are chosen. In Turkey, clinics offer a wide range of hair transplant procedure from beard hair transplant to moustache transplant, eyebrow transplant and eyelashes transplant. The major attraction with Turkey is that compared to other countries, these procedures are very affordable as well as being qualitative.