Little (CHEAP) Changes You Can Do To Liven Up Your Home

Little (CHEAP) Changes You Can Do To Liven Up Your Home

Has this ever happened to you? After a couple of years, the walls of your house can seem to be closing in, the space doesn’t seem as large as it once did, and you feel stressed and a sense of being overwhelmed. 

Well, selling your home or moving from a rental can be costly and take time. 

Instead, there are a few things you can do to improve your home on a budget that makes sense for you. 

It’s important to understand that home improvement doesn’t require a whole remodel, that instead, a quick and easy renovation may do the trick. Even though you may want to remodel your house, a few little touch-ups and highlights can make even an old house a new home. 

Renovating Versus Remodeling

By definition, renovating a home is making improvements to pre-existing structures and spaces, while remodeling is taking the house and completely refurbishing it to create something new that is different from the original design. 

For renters, renovating a space may be the only option. However, your landlord may not be enthusiastic about punching out a wall to open the distance between the kitchen and dining room. 

A new paint job? It probably won’t be an issue. 

Before you try to overdo it, be sure to check with your landlord first. The last thing you want to do is do some exterior renovations and improvements and find out you’re not in compliance with the terms of your lease.

Some landlords may allow holiday decorations, such as hanging Christmas lights and Halloween decorations. In contrast, others may not let renters do anything to the exterior of the rental property. 

For personal security with rental properties, your landlord may already have exterior cameras, and you may want to check with them before adding your own. 

Meanwhile, homeowners can make a choice to renovate or completely overhaul the space. The difference between renters and owners can’t be more precise. 

Perhaps you want to expand from a 2-bedroom, 1-bath to a 3-bed, 3-bath double-storied home? 

Whatever fits your budget and interests are about the depth of limitations you may have–check local ordinances first to be certain. 

In some instances, homeowners may have limitations placed on them by a Home Owner Association, such as when holiday decorations may be placed on the residence, or limitations to the type of renovations that may be made to the home. 

Cheap Home Improvement Tips For Renters And Homeowners

Whether you’re renting or owning, there are a variety of improvements you can make around the house that can be done cheaply but also create the feeling of a whole new place. 

You can do things that don’t cost a lot, such as touch-up paint, including indoor and outdoor plants, and improving lighting throughout the interior or exterior of the residence. 

For example, if you’re tired of your dull, drab kitchen? Give it an overhaul by painting the cabinets and walls and adding more lighting elements, including new decorations and plants, to accentuate the look and feel you want. 

A significant, cheap renovation you can make is to change the layout of the interior of your place. Repositioning your furniture can make your home feel like a new place, open up ideas about how best to utilize your rooms, and create a better fung shei and flow to the house. 

The best part is that you can change the layout of your place at any time, year-round. Of course, with some improvements, you need certain conditions, such as dry and warm, to aid in paint drying, but with the interior, you can move your furniture any time. 

Adding a new layer of paint and potted plants can make your space feel alive. 

Considering how the light plays in the room and accentuates it with drapes and lamps, you can transform your living space into something sparkly and new, and best of all, it doesn’t cost a fortune. 

Deciding to improve your living space doesn’t need to be costly. But, unless you do something that violates a rental or homeownership agreement, then well, it may cost you. 

Taking a moment to change the layout of your house, updating some paint on the walls and cabinets, and adding plants and pictures can change your whole perspective of the room and create an entirely new living experience.