Tuesday, September 24, 2024
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Tag: Cyber Security

Cybersecurity Challenges in Fintech and its Solutions in the Digital Era

The fintech revolution has brought innovative financial services and greater convenience to consumers through the use of technology. However, with these benefits come new...

Stay Secure From Email Spoofing and Phishing in 2022

Email spoofing is the most common cyber-attacks. With new scams and ways to deceive unsuspecting users, staying secure from these attacks is important. Email...

Cybersecurity: How Beneficial it is to Prevent Online Crime?

Cybersecurity is important because it helps protect sensitive information and systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. For example, in a hospital...

10 Reasons Why Cyber Security Awareness is Important

As technology advances, so does the risk of cybercrime. For you to protect your business and its data, it is important to be aware...

WordPress Plugins That Will Secure and Protect Your Website

WordPress safety plugins are extremely outstanding among the platform’s users, and they can be relatively beneficial. At the exact time, not every website desires...

Cyber Security Checklist for Remote Workers to Protect Data and Sensitive...

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen the rise in remote working. The majority of people who worked in the offices were asked to...

How to Protect Your Computer From Viruses in the Age of...

Although biological and computer viruses seem quite different, they can affect each other in interesting ways. This has been highlighted by the COVID-19 crisis. As...

Cyber Security Threats to Cloud Computing

In recent years, businesses are considering cloud computing services to achieve the objectives of their organization. Gradually, there is a shift from the traditional...

DRM: Your Best and Safest Bet to Prevent Data Theft

Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology is not only useful in protecting and controlling the use of electronic data but can also be an adaptable...

How to Hack Someone’s Cell Phone Without Installing Software

The modern digital world makes almost anything possible. The latest technological developments make it easy to hack a cell phone without software installation. Needless to...