7 SEO Hacks for Startups with Low Investments


It is every business’s dream to become a recognized brand and dominate the market. One of the best ways to grow your business is to break through SEO and create a long-term free traffic source to your website.

Having a robust SEO strategy improves your search results on the SERPs. The SEO tactics must, however, focus on acquiring organic traffic and growing the returning visitors. Generating traffic naturally is not an easy task, and most search engines will favor websites that do not spend money to get traffic.

That technically means a small startup that is relatively low on capital has to employ the best SEO strategies to share the market pie. Follow these 7 SEO hacks to run a successful startup even with little time and capital.

1. Free SEO Tools

You will be shocked at how small businesses ignore the free tools for SEO. You do not have to repeat the same mistake with your small startup. With little capital for the company, you need to save up every coin for other important uses.

That is why it is recommended to employ free SEO tools as they provide resourceful information and insights. Some of these free tools you can use for your SEO include:

  • Google Analytics
  • Webmaster tool
  • Page-speed insight
  • SEO Analyzer tool
  • SEMRush
  • Yoast SEO
  • Google Search Console

Many small businesses will consider a combination of Google Analytics, Google Keyword Planner, and Search Console, which prove to be effective on several websites.

2. Curate Cornerstone Content

Cornerstone is content that is keywords rich, evergreen, comprehensive, and up to date. It is content that is searched for by readers using keywords. If you have engaging content on your site that is keywords rich, you can be sure the page will show up every time a reader looks up the keyword on search engines.

Small businesses in the CBD niche, for instance, looking to capture the market space via remarkable cannabis SEO hacks ought to apply this trick since they have less capital to market their websites. The valuable, robust, and keyword-rich content will eventually start promoting the website naturally.

However, the results are not instant, and it may take between 6 to 9 months for the content to reflect on search engines.

3. Submit Your Website to StumbleUpon

StumbleUpon is another fantastic way to look for content on the internet. It is an amazing place to get your website easily discovered. The social media bookmarking site improves your SEO through the sharing of useful websites among users.

As more and more people like your pages, you are bound to gain more visibility and social shares. StumbleUpon proves to be useful for startups with no capital and solely rely on organic traffic. Submitting your web pages to the platform is relatively easy.

Install the StumbleUpon plugin and then register. You will find a toolbar for the browser you usually use. Click the thumbs up button, and your website will become discoverable in the community.

4. Use Long-tail Keywords

As a new business, search engines do not trust you. They do not think you can provide useful and relevant information to the readers, so it is hard to rank for short-tail keywords. The short-tail keywords are already covered by authority sites that are well established over time.

Consider long-tail keywords, and make sure your content is original and helpful to your readers. However, you should be wary of unoriginal content, as this may bring about copyright issues to your website. The long-tail keywords answer specific questions your audience may have, and this makes it easy to find your content on the SERPs.

5. Make Use of Infographics

Infographics are an enormous way to bring in more traffic as a new business without having to spend a lot of money. You should know by now that visual data is much fancier than text, and it is also easier to comprehend.

Images and videos are an excellent technique in digital marketing as it doubles the traffic. Many people would even prefer graphical content to text whereby they will digest and get what they are looking for quite easily.

If you wish to incorporate infographics on your site, you may want to consider a creative designer’s services to produce quality infographics. Canva is also an excellent resource for creating beautiful designs. You can also try Google Slides.

6. On-page Search Optimization

On-page SEO aligns the keywords how they are supposed to be and makes sure you optimize every new page you add to your site. Here is a resourceful checklist of on-page SEO to incorporate into your SEO strategy.

  • Unique title with a keyword
  • Identify targeted keywords
  • Short descriptive URLs
  • Use H2, H3, and H4 tags
  • Use relevant long-tail keywords
  • Add external and internal links
  • Create a meta description and add keywords
  • Mobile page indexing

Apply all these tricks, and your content will rank highly on search engines after several months. Remember to also use an SEO ready web template or design. Follow other best web design practices like code compression, lazyload, and so much more. For enhanced on-page SEO results, consider collaborating with an on-page SEO company. Their expertise can boost your strategy, ensuring your content ranks higher on search engines.

7. Provide Quality Content

If you can produce unique and evergreen content, you might start receiving organic traffic even earlier than you may have thought. In just six months, you could start seeing visitors to your website in huge numbers. If the trend carries on and you keep publishing useful and high-quality content, then search engines will boost your ranking, and you will be receiving more unique visitors.

You should always remain consistent in delivery. Make your content more engaging and incorporate more facts and research. Statistics can help people make decisions faster, and search engines will rank content with such information.

Final Thoughts

Startups with low capital do not have to beat themselves up, fighting for the market with big organizations with substantial financial muscles. You can use these free or low investment SEO hacks, and your business will rank and bring more sales.