Online Divorce or Divorce Lawyer? Which to choose?


When it comes to getting a divorce, no one wants to break the bank. But sadly this is the reality for many people who are in the process of getting a divorce. A dissolution of marriage can be incredibly expensive. You might be wondering if there is a way to save costs. You could be at a crossroads. You might be unsure of whether to go for an online divorce or if you should go with a lawyer. It can be very confusing to make a decision on which to choose. The good news is though, that you have found this article!

In this article, we will discuss the differences between an online divorce and using a divorce lawyer. Then at the end of the article, you can choose, which option will be the best for you.

Should you choose an Online divorce company?

When it comes to getting an online divorce, you can really save a lot of money. The average cost of online uncontested divorce is between $100 and $500. If you compare that to the average cost of a traditional marriage dissolution, which is between $5,000 and $15,000 per couple. As you can see, going the online route is way cheaper.

Using an online service is also relatively simple and easy to use. Most online companies have great customer service too. So if you are worried that you might have questions, don’t worry. Someone will be able to offer you sound legal advice.

You might wonder if you can still file for an online divorce if you have children, and the answer is yes. As long as you and your spouse both agree on visitation rights, custody, alimony and so on, you can still file for a divorce online. Find good divorce lawyers to get more relief.

In order to see if you qualify for a marriage dissolution online, you will just have to fill in an online questionnaire. If you and your spouse agree on how to split your assets, debts and so on, then you will be able to file for a divorce online without an attorney. Some companies even offer attorneys, if you are unsure of some things; but this will be at an extra cost.

Once all your documents are filled in and signed, you will have to go and file them in court. So you will need to make 100% certain that all your paperwork is correct. If your paperwork is incorrect, then the entire process might have to start again.

Positives of an online divorce

  • Cheap
  • Easy
  • You get your papers within a few hours
  • Good customer service
  • You can file for a divorce in the comfort of your own home.

Negatives of an online divorce

  • You might have to pay extra for an attorney if you have serious questions.
  • Can only be used in an uncontested divorce
  • Can cost you more if you choose the wrong company.

So when it comes to choosing an online divorce company, there are many positives. It also depends though, on which company you choose to use. Choosing the best company will help you have a positive experience.

Should you choose a divorce lawyer?

If you are in for a battle, then going with a lawyer is the way to go. Yes, it will be more expensive, but a lawyer can help you get what you want out of your divorce. If you work cleverly, you can bring down costs. Only call your lawyer if you are really unsure about something. When you meet your lawyer for the first time, make sure that you have all your questions in front of you. This will help you to use your time wisely. If your divorce is messy, choosing a lawyer would be a good idea. Most couples can’t come to amicable agreements when it comes to ending their marriages. If you can’t agree on child custody, how to divide your assets and debts, or if you have a shared business, then a lawyer would be helpful.

As mentioned before, lawyers charge per hour. On average you could pay $250 an hour.

To save money though, follow these tips when it comes to using a lawyer.

  • Write down all of your questions before you meet with your lawyer. This will help you save time and not fumble around wondering what to ask.
  • Some lawyers charge call-out fees, so rather meet your lawyers at their place of work.
  • Ask your lawyer what his fees will be upfront so that you won’t have any nasty surprises on the way.
  • Don’t just go with the first lawyer you find. Research different lawyers and look at their reviews online. Some lawyers might also be a bit cheaper than the others.
  • Choose a lawyer who has your best interests at heart, not one who wants to fight your spouse. Going to trial could end up being extremely expensive.
  • Remember your lawyer is not your psychologist. Keep your emotions at bay for your therapist. You could end up spending hours talking to your lawyer about how you feel, or why your marriage went wrong, and that could run up your bill drastically.

Positives of using a lawyer

  • Professional and legal advice
  • They can help you get what you want out of your divorce
  • A lawyer can help with a contested divorce
  • They can fight for you
  • A lawyer can provide objective advice

Negatives of using a lawyer

  • Can be pricey
  • Some lawyers might just be after money and not have your best interests at heart.
  • You could end up with hidden fees at the end of your divorce.

In conclusion

When it comes to choosing an online divorce company or a divorce lawyer, the choice is up to you. It depends on how simple or how complicated your divorce will be. If you and your spouse are amicable and are aiming for an uncontested divorce, then using an online company could save you a lot of money. If though, you feel that you could be in for a battle, then choosing a lawyer could be the better option. Whatever you decide, always weigh up the pros and cons before choosing what would work best for you.