Where to Start When Launching a New Business


If you have decided to launch a new business, this is an exciting period within your life, a time of change and opportunity. It can be difficult knowing what to do first when starting a business, so it is important to take some time out to create a list. Write down everything you need to do, and then you will be able to prioritize tasks to ensure you get everything done that needs doing to get your business off the ground.

The Business Plan

Knowing what type of business you want to run, and knowing what you want to achieve, are necessary to achieving business success. You need to create a business plan that outlines everything you are going to do within your business, and you have to create a timeline as to what you will do and when. Your business plan will cover who your target audience is, who your competitors are, and how you will make money. There are lots of free resources out there to build a business plan which will act as a blueprint for your business, so don’t delay and start creating it today.

Build a Support Network

Running a business can be isolating, but it doesn’t need to be. Surround yourself with people and businesses that can provide support for both you and your business. From accountants such as Brown and Crouppen right through to business advisors, a support network will ensure you always have people and businesses to turn to in times of need.

Research and More Research

What will your business be selling, and at what cost? Who will you be selling to? Who are your competitors (both direct and indirect), and how long have they been trading? Doing research will ensure that you can effectively target your market audience and win a share of the market. If you don’t do any research, then you are literally setting yourself up for failure as you simply have no idea how or when your business will make a profit, let alone break even.

Get Legal and Get Set Up

From creating the perfect business name and registering your business and trading name to setting up business banking, it is important to ensure you follow all of the legalities to get your business up and running legally and above board. Starting a business on the right foot will help you establish trust and confidence from potential customers. It is hard to build trust from customers, so working on it from day one is essential. If you feel overwhelmed with everything you have to do to get your business off the ground, then don’t be afraid to reach out and seek help and assistance where you can. There are plenty of advisors and professionals that can help with everything from logo creation to financial planning, so utilize support, help, and assistance when you can.

Do not try and do everything by yourself as you will struggle physically and mentally, and before you know it, you will be on a slippery slide that could eventually lead to a breakdown.