Where and How to Sleep for Better Rest?


Sleep deprivation is one of the biggest problems in adults and some children. Many people do not get enough sleep at night due to a variety of reasons. Some are too stressed to fall asleep while others could be sick, do not have the right bedding, or simply do not fall asleep even when they go to bed. According to the National Institute of Health, an adult needs 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. Without this, such a person can’t be healthy both mentally and physically. Enough hours of sleep promote good health, but to sleep sound at night you need to have some bedtime routine and in hot summer it is ideal to have cool bed sheets. In this article, we shall examine some of the tips that can help you sleep better and get enough rest. We shall examine where you should sleep and how to sleep so that you get the required hours of sleep per night.

What to Do to And Where to Sleep for Better Rest

#1. Exercise before bedtime

Exercising does not only help you trim down your weight but also helps you to sleep better. Exercises are known to boost the sleep hormones such as melatonin. A study for the Journal of Sleep discovered that women who exercise at least 3 ½ hours a week were easier at falling asleep than women who did not practice or did fewer hours of practice. One of the best ways to stimulate your sleep is exercising too close to your time of sleep. This is also stimulating to your body and helps you achieve the right number of sleep hours.

#2. Create a sleep-inducing bedroom

This is an essential tip that can help improve your sleep patterns and the length of your sleep. Your bedroom should be a relaxed place that induces sleep. People have overlooked the comfort needed in the bedroom. In this regard, it is advisable that you should have a stable bed, cool bed sheets, warm blankets, and so on. Here are tips to make your bedroom comfortable:

  • A high-performance mattress and pillow are vital to helping you relax and sleep with ease. It gives your spine the right support without pains and aches.
  • Quality bed sheets and blankets make your bed inviting. Remember that your bedding should maintain a comfortable temperature at night for better sleep.
  • Avoid light disruption in the bedroom. Excess light interferes with your circadian rhythm. Find blackout curtains to place over your windows.
  • Cultivate a quiet and peaceful environment in the bedroom. A sleep-positive bedroom should have minimal noise. Drown nearby sources of noise with a white noise machine or with a fan.
  • Introduce pleasant aromas that are calming to ease your ability to fall asleep. Essential oils that have natural aromas can work wonders in this regard.

#3. Optimize Your Sleep Schedule

Take control of your sleep schedule for a better sleep routine. You can harness your sleep schedule by doing the following:

  • Set a time to wake up. If you wake up at different times, your body may not get accustomed to certain routines. Pick a certain wake-up time and stick to it. This should be done daily.
  • Budget your sleep hours. Build your work time into your sleep schedule to ensure that you will achieve the right number of sleep hours. Working backward, identify and target a suitable time to sleep. Ensure that you have extra time just before bed so you can wind down and ready yourself for sleep.
  • Beware of naps. These can interfere with your sleep schedule. The best time for a nap is early afternoon or shortly before your lunch. Your nap should not be more than 20 minutes.

#4. Craft a Pre-Bed Routine

People who have a difficult time falling asleep may think the problems start when they lie down in bed. This is far from the truth. Your pre-bed routines are a big contributor to your ability to fall asleep when you go to bed. Create a consistent routine that you can follow each night so this can signal your mind and body that sleep time is approaching. Here are tips to follow:

  • Wind down at least 30 minutes before your appointed bedtime. You can listen to smooth music, do low-impact stretching, quiet reading, or relaxation exercises. This gets you into the right frame of mind for sleeping.
  • Lower the lights so that your body can transition to bedtime. The body will start producing melatonin hormone that induces it to sleep.
  • Disconnect from devices such as tablets, laptops, and cellphones to rewire your brain. Light from these devices also hampers your body from the production of melatonin. Try and disconnect from devices at least 30 minutes before going to bed.

#5. Foster sleep-promoting habits during the day

Another secret to better sleep is by fostering sleep-promoting activities during the day. There are several activities that you can engage in during the day so as to get better sleep at night. Here are such activities:

  • Try to take in daylight by opening blinders or windows for natural light. A dose of natural light in the morning normalizes the circadian rhythm.
  • Find time for daily exercises as these have many benefits to your health. Energy use during the day can promote solid sleep at night.
  • Monitor your caffeine intake. Avoid a lot of caffeine intake especially later in the evening as it hampers your ability to sleep at night.
  • Avoid alcohol just before bed as it affects the brain in such a way it lowers sleep quality.
  • Do not eat too late as this makes it harder for you to sleep. Avoid late dinners and minimize the intake of spicy or fatty foods. Late meals keep the body busy with digestion, which hampers sleep.

In conclusion, it is advisable that one takes their daily routines seriously to ensure the body is accustomed to a certain routine. Remember that sleep should never be forced through medical means. If you still find it hard to sleep even after following the above tips, you are better off speaking to a doctor. A doctor can offer detailed advice if they find that your sleep problems are persistent or worsening.