What You Need To Know about Fallen Arches


The tibial posterior is a muscle in the lower leg connected to the tibia. The tendon of this muscle runs from the inside of the ankle bone, across the instep and connects to the navicular bone at the bottom of the foot.  

The tibialis posterior holds the arch in place and prevents the foot from rolling. But this tendon does have the chance to become inflamed and stretched. This condition is also called Acquired Adult Flatfoot. Most commonly this condition is referred to as fallen arches.  

How does it progress? 

Trauma or injury — sometimes, fallen arches can be the result of a sprain, a fracture or even a direct impact to the tendon.  

Age —the risk of developing fallen arches increases with age. Studies have indicated that women are the most at risk of suffering this condition.  

Being overweight — overweight people will place greater pressure on the tibialis tendon. This can cause stretching and eventually, fallen arches.  

Inflammatory arthritis — inflammation of the tendon can result in tearing of the tendon which can result in fallen arches.  

Foot wear with inadequate support can also cause fallen arches.  Drew shoes are a good option for fallen arches.

Any of these factors mentioned here can cause the tendon of the tibialis posterior to stretch and the arches to collapse.  

Fallen arches common symptoms 

The inside of the foot and ankle can suffer mild to severe pain where the tendon lies. This may or may not be associated with swelling in this area as well.  

Typically, this pain is intensified with the level of activity being experienced. High-intensity or high-impact activities can make this even more painful.  

The pain can also be experienced on the outside of the foot. When the arches of the foot collapse, the heel may also shift in a new direction.  

Here are some of  the measures that can prevent fallen arches: 

  • Recognize the symptoms — when the symptoms of fallen arches have been identified, some steps can be taken to avoid further problems. One of the most common symptoms of this problem is a burning pain in the arch of the foot and heel areas. Some of the other symptoms of this condition include swollen ankles, difficulty maintaining the “tiptoe” position and pain when running fast or jumping high. Some people also experience pain in the calf, lower back or knees.  
  • Footwear designed for fallen arches is very important — the shoes being worn can greatly stabilize the foot in motion and when used with proper orthotics and braces can improve the function of the foot.  
  • Wear supportive orthotic insoles — orthotic insoles have been designed to support the arches of the foot and compensate for fallen arches. When proper foot orthotics and insoles designed to support fallen arches the strain on the posterior tibial tendon is greatly reduced. This can go a long way in relieving pain and reducing inflammation.  
  • Perform exercises that strengthen the arches — another good way to reverse the progress of this condition is to practice exercises that strengthen the arches of the foot. One very effective exercise includes wrapping a towel around the sole of the foot and then maintaining an extended foot position for about 30 seconds. Another effective exercise is standing barefoot on a firm floor and flexing the feet as much as you can, this activates the muscles of the foot. Continue this while making sure that the foot doesn’t roll or that the toes are not pressing down.  

How to buy shoes for fallen arches? 

Just like any other good investment, you will want to know about all the features involved in the product you are planning on buying. This is especially true when purchasing something that will improve the health of your feet.  

To get the most from your investment in shoes for fallen arches, here are some things to consider: 

  • Premium orthotic insoles provide improved arch support to align the foot and prevent over-pronation. 
  • A firm heel counter will support the foot, hold the heel in the right position and correct over-pronation. 
  • Shoes with good soles that provide proper support under the arch of the foot. 
  • Removable insoles can be replaced with custom orthotics.