What to Do After a Ransomware Attack?


You wake up, had your breakfast, and got ready for work. Everything is normal as always until you reach your work and turn your computer on. You see a message appearing on the screen of your computer. It says that all your data on the computer has been encrypted. It means that you can’t access any of your business data. The message also says that you have to pay a tremendous amount in the form of cryptocurrency, and it also shows the account details to do so. Suddenly, it is not a typical day anymore, and your company is under a ransomware attack.

The situation is pretty scary, I admit, but the more you freak out, the worst it’ll get. Therefore, you need to take a deep breath and think about your options with a clear and non-cloudy mind.

Here’s what you should be doing once you’ve been attacked instead of panicking:

Get Professional Help

If you think that situation is terrible and it is going to affect your business, even then a thousand times before giving in to the demands of the hackers. Getting professional help for a ransomware attack in probably your best shot to avert the crisis and save your company form a significant loss. Make sure that you hire a company that has an excellent portfolio so that the chances of getting back the access to your data increases.

However, there are many other things that you can do yourself before the help arrives. Here are some of the things that you should after a ransomware attack:

Disconnect Everything

More often than not, your company’s computers are connected through a network to the central server. If this is the case with you as well, you must go offline immediately. It will help you to prevent the spread of ransomware. It is essential because you don’t want it to affect everything that is synced with your network.

Use Antivirus or Anti-Malware

Once you’ve gone entirely offline, try to apply small fixes to give them a try. One way to do that is to use antivirus and anti-malware to clean ransomware from your computer. It is important to note that you should only use this option once you are entirely determined that you are going to pay any amount for ransom.

Try to Recover Deleted Files

Many forms of malware delete the original file and encrypt the copied version. If you are lucky enough to be attacked by such malware, then you can recover all your data by retrieving the recently deleted file.

This option might not always work, but you’ll never know until you give it a try.

Figure Out the Strain You Are Dealing With

Mostly, the ransomware announces its name. But, if it is not doing so, then there are specific tools that can help you identify the strain of ransomware. Such tools help you upload encrypted files, and then you can tell whether you can reverse the encryption or not.

Look for Decryption Tools

If you have figured out the strain of the ransomware, its time to get everything back by decryption. However, you are going to need some tools to do so. So, cruise over the list of decryption tools and find the tool that suits your requirements the best, and start working on getting back the access to your data.


No matter how bad it gets, you need to understand that you can always get help to avert the crisis. So, don’t just rush into the decision of paying the criminals. Consider all the options before you surrender.