Unique Careers Options That Are Also Fun


Decades ago, most people chose a job and never left it. Today, times are a lot different and more exciting. You can always choose a new career path and explore some fab new employment possibilities. Maybe you are an adventurous soul who likes to try new things. Our career experts have some great advice and unique career options to consider trying, and best of all, these are fun jobs, and you’re getting paid for it!


Sommelier is the fancy French word for a wine expert, and if you’re into the fascination of crushed grapes and the amazing wine industry, then maybe this is a career for you. A sommelier is trained in all aspects of wine and is employed by restaurants to help patrons choose the perfect wine for their visit and the meal they will be eating.

This wine professional knows exactly what foods can be paired with a particular wine. A sommelier’s main focus is on wine tasting and wine service, and they achieve their certification by the Court of Master Sommeliers.

Race Car Mechanic

Get your engines ready! If you have skill in repairing vehicles with professional certification and have the ability to get everything set really fast, then perhaps, a career as a race car mechanic would provide the thrills and speed you’re looking for in a new job. Are you especially well versed in testing engines, replacing filters, checking fluids, changing tires and confirming that all systems are working properly? Then, maybe Formula One could be something to shoot for.

Voice Talent

Here is another career option that’s a blast because you’re using your voice to get great gigs in all kinds of media. Voices come in a wide range of differences, and you don’t have to have the deepest or most interesting vocals out there to succeed. All ages are considered, and these jobs are unique, creative and interesting.

If you’re wondering how to get into voice acting, it’s easier than you might think. All you need is a bit of training and some proper equipment, and then it’s time to shine. You could end up doing commercials, acting, video game characters, phone system announcements and a lot more.

Personal Stylist

Do you enjoy fashion and have a good eye for what looks stylish and attractive on others? If so, then consider becoming a personal stylist. It’s a career that can lead you on a path of sophistication and fashion headlines, and you never know where your experience could take you next.

A personal stylist is excellent at choosing outfits and accessories that flatter their clients. They have a passion for fashion consultation and know how to hunt down fabulous garments both online and in brick and mortar stores and boutiques. Some personal stylists enjoy working as bridal consultants to gain experience while others begin as independent contractors. Either way, a personal stylist has their pulse on the ever changing world of fashion.

Video Game Designer

Here’s a cool, cutting-edge career that many folks would love to wake up to each morning. Video games are always trending, and gamers are excited when new video games are launched. Get a load of these numbers. In 2019, more than $64.4 billion in revenues were raked in by mobile gaming alone. How incredible! As a videogame designer, you have the talent and creativity to plan the story, create the graphics, test the game to check for glitches and assist in producing the final product.

If you’re a good communicator with outstanding verbal and written skills, adept at problem-solving, have great mathematical and analytical understanding and can be a team player and able to collaborate with others to design and build video games, then, you could be headed in the right career direction. You could someday become the next Markus Persson. He created Minecraft, and the rest is video gaming history, especially when he sold his company to Microsoft for billions.


If you’re tired of working a job that brings you little satisfaction, then maybe it’s time to explore your options. There are many unique careers that are fun and never boring. Our career experts have just scratched the surface. Good luck!