3 Smart Ways To Improve Your Financial Health


Finances play an important role in one’s everyday life. You require money to meet your daily needs, from food to transportation to entertainment. With all these needs to take into account, finances have become a challenge for most people to handle. In most cases, they tend to overspend and get into debt. But, this shouldn’t be the case.

By adopting appropriate practices, you’ll learn how to meet all your needs and wants without running out of money. Are you wondering how?  Read on!


Create A Budget


A budget can guide you on how you can spend your money wisely. With planned spending, you’re less likely to get into debt. It’s also one of the fastest ways to get rich. Therefore, it’s crucial to create one, preferably a monthly one. Monthly budgets are easier to stick to than quarterly ones or others with longer timeframes. 

In today’s era, it’s best to use your previous months’ receipts to formulate your budget. Previously, it was ideal to create your list of wants, needs, and luxuries as you start this process. This technique is effective, but only to some extent. Why?  In most cases, you’ll likely eliminate some of your expenses, e.g., luxuries, to accommodate your finances. But, since these luxuries are, more or less, part of your habits, you’ll likely go back to acquiring them anyway, making your budget useless. 

However, by using previous receipts, preferably going back to three or four months, you get an idea of your spending. Create a list of these items and find the average amount you spent on each within the four months. Such items can include buying groceries, eating takeout, going on a trip, shopping for clothes, etc. The average is what you’ll add to your budget. 

By doing this, you won’t deny yourself what you regularly need; hence, you’ll easily stick to the budget. If you realize you’re spending more on luxuries than you’d like, consider reducing the budget you allocate for such things. For instance, you could reduce the frequency of your clothes shopping from monthly to every two months or three months. In the end, you’ll have more money to save.


Stay Away From Debt


Debt is one of the money-eating aspects out there. With debt, you’ll have to first pay it before you get to actually enjoy your hard-earned money, and it’s not an ideal way to live your life. Hence, if you want to improve your financial health, it’s best to steer clear of debts.

Start by clearing any debts, be it a loan, credit card, or money you owe a friend. Suppose you have many debts and have no idea how to tackle them. Consider paying off first those accruing high interest rates, followed by those with little to no interest rates. Alternatively, pay them concurrently, but allocate more to the high-interest ones. In the end, you can offset all your debts almost at once. 

After clearing your debts, you must avoid them as much as possible. One sure way of doing this is living within your means. You can achieve that by being contented with what you have and only buying what you can afford today. If you have the urge to buy an item that’s not in your budget, save for it and buy it later. 


Plan For The Future


The future is never certain. You might sleep today financially healthy, only to wake up the next with emergencies you need to cater to. 

By planning for the future, you can better safeguard your finances. You can create savings, as well as emergency and retirement funds. These three will cushion you against unplanned spending.

Your savings fund will be a general backup plan or one that’ll cater to your goals, such as starting a business, travelling, buying a house, etc. The emergency funds, on the one hand, will cater to emergencies like illnesses, accidents, and contributions that you didn’t see coming. Lastly, retirement funds will assist you in your old age, when you don’t have the strength to generate regular income. You don’t want to retire penniless.

It’s best to include these funds in your budget, allocating percentages to them. For instance, you can plan to allocate 15%, 10%, and 5% to your savings, emergency, and retirement funds, respectively, every payday. Doing this will ensure consistency and that none of these accounts are empty. 


From the discussion, you’ve seen that improving your financial health is pretty easy. All you require is planning; after all, failing to plan is planning to fail. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to adopt the simple but effective financial planning techniques discussed herein. By doing this, your bank account balance will always be smiling at you.