Skills You Need to Become a Nurse


Becoming a nurse will require you to develop several skills, both in education and out of it. These types of skills are considered to be more social skills, and are often picked up over the course of your career. It’s important to be able to practice these skills on a regular basis if you are going to succeed, so let’s take a look at what skills you need to excel in nursing.


The first skill that you’re not really taught so much about but are expected to learn is professionalism. Being professional is a very important part of being a nurse. If you’re going to succeed in a fast-paced, often stressful environment, you have to learn how to be a professional regardless of what happens. Medical emergencies, unexpected setbacks, crisis situations – regardless of what you are dealing with, you have to be prepared to maintain a professional façade throughout.

Nobody can teach professionalism; you have to practice it. Try and maintain a professional image during stressful situations, and you will see that it becomes like second nature.

Cultural sensitivity

As a nurse, you will be interacting with people from all walks of life. You will encounter people who have different religious views, sexual orientation, cultural traits, and you have to be prepared to navigate them all with grace and dignity.

Being a nurse will involve tackling these challenges head-on. You have to be respectful and professional when it comes to dealing with people whose worldview is different from your own, and you must be careful not to offend anybody or cause a problem. This can take time and experience, as acclimating to different worldviews is challenging for some, but it is a mandatory skill for being a nurse.

Critical thinking 

If you’re going to be a nurse in a fast-paced and frantic hospital environment, you have to be prepared to think on your feet and approach things with a logical perspective and critical thinking skills.

It’s often the case that in the middle of a crisis situation, things don’t go the way you expect them to. You can’t freeze up and lock up when these things happen; you have to be prepared to adapt to the situation and find an appropriate solution. Critical thinking and logical thinking are two very important skills to cultivate in this regard. You have to know how to adapt to different situations, and honestly, this comes from trial experience and learning how to go with the flow.

Communication skills

Communication skills are so important. You have to be ready to communicate with people at all levels. Communication doesn’t just boil down to being able to talk articulately. You have to be prepared to communicate effectively, be able to convey information concisely and to make sure that people understand what’s going on. This can be challenging for somebody who is not used to it, but effective communication is an important skill for any nurse. If you aren’t ready to communicate, and you don’t know how to talk to someone, that might make the difference between cooperation and a struggle.

Time management

Time management is a very important part of any successful nursing career. You have to be prepared to manage your time effectively, communicate properly with staff members, and prioritize the important tasks fast. This will help you to stay ahead on a busy day and make sure that nothing gets missed.

Do you have the key skills for nursing? 

As you can probably tell, it’s not easy being a nurse. There are many different things that you need to think about if you’re going to succeed. Studying for your absn program is a good way to start becoming a nurse, but there are certain skills that you should probably have cultivated beforehand if you want the best chance at success.

Cultivating the correct skill set to be a nurse takes time and practice. There are things that you can be taught in the classroom and things that you, unfortunately, have to learn on the job. It’s a harsh reality out there in hospitals, but it is a very rewarding career if you can stick at it.

Ultimately, it will be down to you to get the best possible options and to really practice the skills that are required of you. This will give you the best possible opportunity for progression and advancement. Yes, it can take time, and it can be quite challenging sometimes, but you will get the hang of things.