3 Reasons to Extend your Home


No matter whether you would like to extend your home upwards and into the loft, downwards and into the cellar, or sideways into the front or back garden, there are several reasons why you may benefit from a house extension. Your decision could in fact help you gain a lot more than just square footage.

If you are still yet to decide, allow us to convince you why you should say yes to a home extension.

A space for some well-deserved ‘me’ time

When you arrive home after a long day at work, there is nothing better than closing the front door on the world and relaxing. While some individuals may love the idea of a home office, others might prefer a second living space that’s calm and filled with comfortable sofas. If your house lacks that haven, a home extension could provide you with the space for some well-deserved ‘me’ time.

Additional room for the children to play

If you regularly host guests but find yourself clearing up toys and games minutes before they arrive, a home extension could be perfect for you. Utilise the extra space as a playroom for the children – that way, it doesn’t matter whether it’s clean and tidy or not, as nobody is going to see the mess!

A room to store everything

Having a dedicated space for specific items can make the rest of your house more spacious – and often much tidier. Without a porch, for example, the whole family could struggle to know where to put their coats and shoes. A home extension at the front of the house would introduce a space for these necessities to be stored. Alternatively, if you’re into sports and own bikes or other sporting equipment, you could utilise the storage space to keep them safe – and out of everyone’s way.

While home extensions don’t come cheap, they can certainly add value to your house when you come to sell it. If you currently don’t have the funds to cover an extension, but think one would be beneficial for your home, consider borrowing from a trusted lender to cover the costs.

Before adding an extension, ensure that you’re aware of everything you need to know. For example, the planned work must get building regulations approval before it is started. Also, you must be prepared to live with disruption if you’re going to live on site while the house is being renovated. Before parting with a lot of cash, it’s also very important to make sure the value added is greater than the cost of the project. It’s worthwhile spending time having a look at other properties in the area that are similar, to see how much they have been sold for. This will be a good indication of what you might be able to put yours on the market for when you’re ready.