How to Help Your Teen Fly the Nest

How to Help Your Teen Fly the Nest

Whether your teenager is making the move towards adulthood and flying the nest this year, or they are taking the next step in their education and going off to college, it can be incredibly difficult to let go. This is a pivotal moment in both your and your teen’s life, and it is normal to feel a range of emotions. At this point, it is important to embrace the change and give them a helping hand where necessary. Here are a few top tips to help them transition out of the home smoothly.

Help Them Pack in Advance

Once the move has been set and they roughly know the amount of time they have at home, it is time to prepare. They have made the decision to move, and a moving out plan can help them stay organized. Although it is generally a bad idea to do the actual packing for them, there is no harm in giving them a gentle nudge to begin the packing process early. As with any other move, packing a few bits now and then can help reduce the amount of work you have to do later. In turn, there should be less stress and anxiety when the moving-out date is finally here. Not to mention, packing in advance will help your teen settle into the new reality of them moving out of their childhood home for the first time.

Get the Essentials

Ad hoc packing in advance enables your teen to identify a few essential items they will need for their new destination. From cooking utensils and bedding to detergent and a laundry basket, there will be a number of things they will need when they finally move. You can help your teen out by purchasing an ‘essentials’ bundle to get them started. For teens moving across state, you can order the essentials online and get them delivered to their new home.

Self-Storage Unit For College Breaks

It might be hard saying goodbye if your teen has enrolled in a college in a faraway state, but at least you have the opportunity to catch up between semesters and during college breaks. During these breaks, your teen will have to figure out what to do with the personal items they have accumulated at college. Instead of hauling everything back and forth between your home and college, they can lease a self-storage unit to keep their items in state. Your teen can find self storage at They have a massive database of storage facilities across the United States with differently sized units to suit your teen’s needs.

Basic Skills

Does your teen know how to cook a basic meal? Can they prepare food safely? Do they know how to turn on a washing machine? If your teen is lacking a few basic skills, now is the time to help your teen develop them. Teaching your teen basic knife skills and giving them easy recipes to follow is a good start.

Now you know how to help your teen fly the nest!