Should You Get Online Design Tools for Your Print E-commerce Personalized Product Business?


Personalization is arguably the most trending issue in the ecommerce domain. There is a tremendous demand for high-quality personalized products in the market. But personalization is not just restricted to products. It is being used in marketing and advertising activities as well.

Conventionally, personalization has always been favored by a rather small segment of the market. The high price demanded for such products/services have mostly kept the wider consumer base from really exploring this. However, with the advent of more cost-effective print technologies and custom product design tools, the demand has risen.

According to a recent survey by a reputed business consulting firm, nearly 30% of online shoppers have expressed interest in buying personalized products. If we factor in the relatively higher customization price and the resulting customer satisfaction and brand loyalty, then this market segment is certainly worth considering.

In light of this information, ecommerce companies around the world are now exploring ways to tap into this market. One of the biggest prerequisites for doing so is having an online product designer software. Now, there are many varieties of these depending on the native programming language of your ecommerce website. However, the most popular online product designer software are available in the HTML5 format.

Before you choose any HTML5 product designer tool, there are some essential factors that you should consider. These have to do with the viability of this market for your business. Let us explain what they are and explore how they will affect your decision.

Essential Factors to Consider Before Getting HTML5 Designer Software for Your Business

#1. Do You Need to Access the Personalized Products Market?

There is no doubt that personalization is the way of the future. However, not every print ecommerce business needs to get into this. Yes, every company stands to benefit from opting for a HTML5 product designer. But there is no compulsion.

You need to factor in the specific niche your print e-commerce business is in and if you can actually provide high-quality print solutions to clients at industry standard prices. Getting a diverse customization tool will not compensate for low-quality or even mediocre prints.

#2. Can You Afford an HTML5 Product Designer Tool?

If your online print ecommerce business has just started, you need to be frugal in your investments. Product personalization can secure a profitable future for your enterprise. But it comes with a certain number of considerations. In the future, the degree of customization will only increase. So, when selecting any product designer HTML5 software, you need to make sure it can be scaled up.

Further, your HTML5 product designer needs to provide unique customization options to clients. Thus, it needs to have templates and basic designs that can set your business apart from the rest. At the same time, it needs to allow for creative and imaginative customization. Offering a blank canvas to clients will not get you the business growth you want. Good quality customization software will come at a high price. So, you need to be sure you can sustain it before making the investment.

#3. Can You Afford the Returns Risk?

In the same study we quoted above, it was shown that customers want a fair returns policy on personalized products. Without this, your conversion rate will likely experience a drop. So, you need to be prepared for returns. Also, consider that once a personalized product is made, it cannot be resold. So, your expense may not always yield a profit.

However, if you do offer a fair returns policy, then it will contribute to your business reputation and brand loyalty. If customers know that they can bank on you, then they will be inclined to give your online product design software more chances than usual.

#4. Can You Compete Ably with Other Businesses?

The global print business is huge and with worldwide shipping, geo-restrictions are not an issue anymore. So, you need to be able to compete with personalized print businesses of all sizes. This requires you to purchase HTML5 product designer tools which can effectively compete with your rivals and also provide something unique to clients. Otherwise, the chances of your business competing with more well-known or well-marketed businesses will diminish.

#5. Have You Factored in Your Future Business Growth Plans?

Personalized products are essentially a stepping stone towards wider business operations and expansion. They bring brand value, recognition, and loyalty. These are instrumental in ensuring your clients can support your future expansion. But unless you have expansion plans which can synchronize with market trends and technological options, then it is of little use. So, before you an HTML5 online product designer, you need to ensure that you can use it to its full potential.


Product personalization can be a great way for even smaller businesses to compete with larger enterprises. But all the factors we have listed above and many others need to be considered before making a decision. Be sure you have a well-defined business plan including growth and promotion along with a quality product design tool before you begin.