Check Out Some Advice on Driving a Biluthyrning (Car Rental) in Nice


Traveling by car hire throughout the French Riviera offers a traveler convenience and level of freedom not afforded to them when having to rely on public transport. It also gives you greater access when trying to reach the villages, proving a challenge for the bus system.

When you hyra bil i Nice (rent a car in Nice), you have the flexibility to go where you please and stop if the desire strikes you. Since you will be exposed to incredible scenic routes with a coastline meant to mesmerize, you might find yourself taking a few detours before reaching your final destination to check out all the area has to offer.

A motorist will need to check the policies for car rental in Nice, France, to ensure they comply with the rules and regulations and get recommendations on driving in the county to avoid potential damages in the hired vehicle or the possibility of an accident. Nice has a reputation for challenging driving conditions.

The traffic lights are not positioned in easy view, drivers do not tend to use indicators, and no one seems to yield the way for pedestrians. Let us look at some of the rules those living in Nice try to abide by.

Advice On Driving a Biluthyrning (Rent-A-Car) in Nice

Anyone hoping to take in the picturesque scenery on their excursion to Nice can only do it justice by taking a road trip in a car rental. Using public transport like a bus just does not allow the same one-on-one experience, nor does it give the flexibility and convenience of traveling leisurely.

When hiring a vehicle, motorists have the option of taking themselves off the beaten path, into the little villages, anywhere they choose, where a bus is not always able to access, plus their schedules are somewhat restrictive. 

Let us look at a few bits of advice when choosing to drive in the county. It is important to understand that the driving conditions are not the easiest to maneuver for a foreigner to the area.

  • Hiring a car

The suggestion is that those who rent vehicles should try to get the smallest option available. To do that, you will want to try to book a few weeks before your scheduled trip. These will be the easiest to manipulate into tight spaces, not to mention the parking garages in the area only allow limited and narrow-sized space for each vehicle.

It is essential to have a GPS either on your mobile or as an extra with the rental since the road system is erratic with no specific pattern to their development. The one-way streets are numerous but finding destinations using signs proves fruitless since many are not used.

Another thing you need to ensure is that you try to book early if you need an automatic instead of a manual transmission. You might have to shop rental agencies to see who might offer these and do this well enough ahead of time that there might be some available. 

You will pay an exorbitant charge for the option, but the only other choice is to learn to drive a stick shift. Go here for guidance on renting a car in France.

  • Road Rules

Cote d’Azur motorists have a reputation for aggressive road practices bordering on even “demented” is the suggestion. For those who hire a car, it puts you in a heightened stage of caution since you want to avoid potential damages. Although, in this type of scenario, damages are the least issue. Accidents are prevalent. 

The recommendation is to continuously drive on the defense and remember the rules of the road in this county:

  1. Anyone riding in the car and the driver must wear a seat belt as they are compulsory. The driver is responsible for ensuring all individuals 18 or younger are restrained.
  2. Right-sided driving and overtaking on the left is the rule. If the traffic is heavy, motorists can overtake on the right.
  3. A child needs to be 10+ to ride in the front of the vehicle.
  4. There are stringent laws against driving under the influence of alcohol with hefty fines and the potential for jail time. The limit is 0.05 g/l which equates to roughly a couple of glasses of wine.
  5. Priority is given to the driver on the right or “Priorite a Droite” except on the main thoroughfares. It speaks to the small road intersections where the motorist would give way to the driver on the right.
  6. In an accident or an emergency, motorists are instructed to dial 17. Each person will complete a “constat a l’amiable. Rental cars come with the blue papers and need to always remain with the vehicle.
  • Foreign Drivers

As long as a motorist has a valid, full driver’s license from their home country, it is not required to have an international driving license in France. The suggestion is that the local “gendarmes” are familiar with English if there are details of an accident that need explaining. 

However, if you attempt to use your status as a foreigner to dissuade the authorities from a traffic citation, it will not likely work in your favor; another good reason to be driving defensively and with caution when handing your rental car. 

There are instances where your vehicle can be confiscated from the French government if you are not careful and excessive speeding is one of them. The autoroutes offer a maximum speed limit of 110km / h. When you are in the towns or cities, it decreases to 50 m /h, with roads that join towns being 70 km / h. All speeds are posted plainly with a sign designated as “Rappel,” which means “remember.” It means to draw your attention to the fact that limits are taken very seriously. 

So much so the French government is cracking down with hidden speed traps, not to mention radars at the red lights to detect when motorists run through without stopping. The suggestion is these are more prevalently used on the weekends, and those driving their rental cars can check where these are by looking in the local papers.

Final Thought

There are a plethora of toll booths along the Cote d’Azur. Some car rental agencies will provide cards that allow motorists to pass through the booths without having to stop. Otherwise, you will be paying at each exit as you go.

The key takeaway when road tripping in these areas throughout Nice is to be an exceptionally cautious driver. The other motorists on the road will not be so much. While there are stringent rules, or so it would appear, those behind the wheel seem to take these as suggestions instead of the law. 

A hired car is still considered the ideal way to see the sights in Nice and the surrounding areas. The breathtaking coastline could not be appreciated as well in any other form of transport. Learn tips on Nice car rental at

Plus, there are certain parts of the county you would likely miss if you were forced to travel by bus. A small, compact car allows you greater access to virtually any place you hope to see; very tiny and very compact if you hope to park.