Do You Need Zero Trust Security?


Zero Trust is a network defensive shift toward a more comprehensive IT security architecture that allows enterprises to restrict access restrictions to networks, applications, and the environment without sacrificing performance or the user experience. In other words, a Zero Trust strategy places no trust in anyone. 

Security teams are finding it increasingly difficult to trust or identify who and what should be authorized or trusted with access to their networks as more firms undertake more computing outside their perimeter in the cloud. As a result, an increasing number of businesses are incorporating Zero Trust into their trust network architecture and enterprise security strategy.

According to a Zero Trust survey, 65 percent of enterprises are having trouble providing remote access to their public cloud services. And, alarmingly, 31% of survey respondents had resorted to publicly exposing their applications from the public cloud in order to give employees access.

If you realize how beneficial Zero Trust can be for your business and make every part of your system much more secure than it already is, and you need more information about Zero Trust, this article will be of great help to you. To find answers to other questions about Zero Trust in your mind, It could be tremendously useful to click here and visit NordLayer’s informative website. 

Implementing Zero Trust: Best Practices 

The following issues must be addressed by organizations trying to establish a Zero Trust security framework: 

Identifying and Prioritizing Sensitive Data 

Zero Trust necessitates an organization’s identification and prioritization of sensitive data. You should know where it resides and who has access to it. 

Limiting and Controlling Access 

Moving to a Zero Trust security paradigm will necessitate imposing restrictions on individuals, devices, programs, and processes seeking access to the identified data. A “need-to-know” basis will be used in a least-privilege access control approach. 

Detecting Threats 

Zero Trust necessitates continual monitoring of every data access and sharing activity, with current activity compared to baselines based on previous behavior and analytics. Monitoring, behaviors, rules, and security analytics all work together to improve the ability to detect internal and external threats.

The following are the principles of a well-implemented Zero Trust security model:

Authenticated access to all resources 

A pillar of Zero Trust security is multi-factor authentication (MFA). Every attempt to get access to the network is viewed as a threat by Zero Trust. While standard network security may only require a single password, Zero Trust MFA requires users to enter a code sent to a different device, such as a mobile phone, to authenticate they are who they claim to be. Access protocols and network access constraints are also included in Zero Trust models.

Least privilege-controlled access

A principle of Zero Trust security is to allow the least amount of access possible in order to eliminate unauthorized access to data and services and make control enforcement as granular as possible. 

Zero Trust networks offer access permissions only when they are absolutely necessary, and they check all requests to connect to their systems before giving access. Limiting lateral access throughout the network by dividing security perimeters into smaller zones to retain distinct access to different portions of the network. As workloads become more mobile, segmented security becomes increasingly crucial. 

Using data security analytics, inspect and log all activities

Zero trust models necessitate constant traffic and activity monitoring, inspection, and logging. To help identify aberrant behaviors that could be the malicious activity, user account baselines should be set. For security teams, automation can make these duties more efficient and cost-effective.

Zero Trust for cloud, privacy, insider threats, and hybrid workforce

  • Every day, more businesses are migrating to hybrid cloud systems. With a modern security approach based on Zero Trust, you can power your cloud transformation. 
  • Building brand trust necessitates confidentiality. Make data access limited and conditional using the Zero Trust method. 
  • Cyber-threats can wreak havoc on your business. Using a Zero Trust strategy integrates context-based security into your processes, separating threats and isolating your most sensitive data. 
  • Work is done everywhere these days, so keeping the balance between productivity and safety is a challenge. To integrate security wherever you do business, use the zero trust method.


NordLayer delivers a new security framework for connecting users, data, and applications to the organization’s network infrastructure even when they are not on the site. Because of the development of remote work and cloud adoption, this situation is becoming more popular. Zero Trust model delivers a security structure that protects your most precious assets by offering each user the fewest number of privileges feasible.

Users, programs (managed and unmanaged), and devices with access to an increasing number of systems and services can all be seen and controlled with Zero Trust. The paradigm of Zero Trust developed by NordLayer enables secure environments for a variety of previously challenging or risky scenarios.