Beauty Tips That Will Get You Noticed


Here is the thing. If your beauty routine makes you look and feel good, others will notice. For, beauty radiates to those around us. And guess what? You don’t have to overindulge to stay beautiful. Here are our top beauty tips to get you noticed right away: –

Beauty Sleep

It is a fact. Lack of enough sleep makes one look tired and unattractive. In contrast, beauty sleep stimulates the production of collagen for a younger look. Also, did you know that sleeping on your back will prevent waking up with puffy eyes?  Then, use a silky pillowcase, ergonomic bed and mattress, scented candles, or soothing music to create a restful bedroom. And, take a warm bath, meditate, or read a book before getting into bed. 

Minimize on Your Makeup

Natural beauty is attractive. Hence, your make up routine should bring out your natural beauty, not overshadow it. Then, use mild makeup to accentuate your cheeks, eyes, or lips. Here, focus on only one of these areas. Otherwise, you risk overdoing it. Next, always moisturize your face before applying makeup. Instead of starting with foundation, go straight to the concealer and highlighter. Finally, use the right powder for the right occasion. For example, when dating, opt for a charming smoky look on your dinner date. But, if you are preparing to go to work, a light blush will bring out your professional look. 


Do you want to accent your outfit? Nothing does it better than the right choice of fashion accessories. You know that handbag that captures the gold in your shoes. Or, that necklace with spirals that bring out the shape of your face. Hence, once you decide on your look for the day, find the right hair clip, jewellery, watch, sunglasses, or scarf to go with it.     

Keep Your Skin Radiant 

There is nothing as attractive as youthful skin. That’s why many opt for pricey cosmetic surgeries trying to keep their skin looking radiant. Yet, adequate sleep, drinking ample water, and clean eating can make you look up to ten years younger. Plus, wearing sunscreen each day will save you lots of skin problems in your old age.

Bouncy Hair Tips

A beauty regime is incomplete without touching on the woman’s crown. What is your hair type? Did you know that a mixture of honey, castor oil, and coconut oil will bring back life to damaged hair? Even so, over-shampooing our hair only reaps it of its natural oils. Then, feed your hair with all the essential nutrients it needs. Next, keep your strands clean, moisturized and tangle-free. Keep off from products with harsh chemicals like sulphur. They can dry and cause permanent damage to the hair. Also, cut out heat treatments. Finally, give your hair a break. Over-braiding is harmful to your edges.


So, you want to go out on a date in the next five minutes. Or, you are preparing for that big presentation that will attract the clients you want. Then, have some secret beauty tips to look gorgeous anytime, anywhere. And, once you achieve it, stay happy. For, a positive body language will pull the right persons your way to notice you.