Can You Sell Your House A Year After Buying It?


As the owner of a newly bought house, you have the choice to sell it right away. But that could mean missing out on various opportunities, losing money, facing more taxes, and incurring penalties related to mortgage. A home can be a long-term investment, but owners sometimes have no choice but to sell the house for various reasons. That said, you need to understand the risks that come with letting it go after only a year of ownership. 

Reasons For Selling The Home 

Owners with families will typically hold onto a house as a means of settling down. Raising children is one of the main reasons. But sometimes, there are other life changes they have to address. Here are some of them: 

  • Financial Changes 

The owner may be a retiree and may want to move to a smaller home. It can also be a family experiencing an economic change. If you need money for your family for any reason, you can offer your house to home-buying companies similar to Mill City Home Buyers. Home-buying companies will make you an offer within 24 hours. And you won’t need to make any necessary repairs to the house. You can quickly get paid if you accept the offer.  

  •  Familial Changes 

There could be a death in the family. Or an older child is moving away for college, and the house is too big minus a family member. The owners may decide to sell it for a smaller home.  

  • Health Problems 

A family member may need to be confined at the hospital, and the owners will have to sell the house to pay for medical bills.  

  • New Job Or Career 

The owner may have been relocated to a different place, and it may come with better benefits. So, the house may need to be sold for additional money to pay for a new home somewhere else. 

  • Market Opportunities 

If your home has quickly gained equity, you’d want to sell it for profit.  

Risks Of Selling Your Home Under A Year Of Ownership 

Is it possible to sell your home and still retain what you have? Unfortunately, you will be facing more costs than when you bought it.  

Yes, you will lose the benefits of owning it for a year, and it’s not just the money you paid for it. There are also related costs to purchasing the home, taxes, penalties related to mortgage, gains or losses in equity, and those that come with selling it.  

You can calculate it first to get an insight into how much your losses will be if you want to sell your house fast.  

You may have bought the house because you wanted to invest in real estate property. You have considered all the trends in the area, the costs, and the pros and cons of the site. You’ve worked hard for the money so you could buy the property. But selling it for under a year of ownership means losses, especially if it’s earning you passive income.  

When Not To Sell Your Home 

When selling your home at a particular time under a year, some situations might convince you to do otherwise. You would be making some significant losses if you did decide to sell. 

  1. The community is currently experiencing a new development that causes an increase in demand. It could also be that there are more job opportunities nearby.  
  2. Your home finally has a sure buyer, but they are willing to take it off your hands at a much lower price than you hoped for. 
  3. The house has the extras you wanted because you could make renovations that increased the value of the dwelling.  
  4. One of the many mistakes not to make when selling your home is placing it on a listing during the winter months. It is a slow time of the year for house markets, and if you couldn’t wait, you’ll have a few more months to stay, and more if nobody wants to buy your home even after the season.  

Why You Should Sell Your Home 

Here are some of the reasons why you should find your home a buyer:

  1. The suburb or community you were living on is going downhill for various reasons. More infrastructures like decreasing number of malls in the area are warning signs that might be telling you to cut your losses.  
  2. You’d have to pay property gains taxes when you’re able to sell your property. The short-term capital gains tax is the tax you’ll be paying if the house isn’t even a year old in your name. However, if the market is hot and more buyers want to live in your community, you’ll be able to pay for those anyway, especially if someone wants your home.  
  3. If you find that your community is not what you expected, and feel that it’s best to move away, consider it as long as you won’t regret the expenses.  

In Conclusion 

As the homeowner, you have the choice to sell or keep your home. But it’s essential to calculate your gains or losses should you decide to place it out on the market. Preferably, you should not regret doing so because it could cost you even more than money, especially if you have a family. Whatever choice you make, it’s essential that everyone’s on the same page, and that letting go of your home benefits you even more.