6 Ways to Take Care of Your Oral Health


A healthy oral care routine is an essential part of a daily routine. A swab from your mouth can tell your doctor the overall health of your body. It’s important to take care of the teeth to avoid tooth decay, gum infection, foul smell and other problems caused by unhygienic oral health.

These can lead to severe problems like tooth loss, cardiovascular issues, mood swings, digestive issues, etc.

To prevent oral issues, you must take the right steps. Here are the six steps to take care of your oral health.

#1. Brush twice a day:

Everyone knows the mantra of brushing twice a day. Many of us ignore brushing before going to bed. Brushing at night helps kill the germs and bacteria that have accumulated from the entire day.

The way of brushing your teeth is also an important point. Brush your teeth gently in a circular motion. Brushing rightly protects your tooth enamel from building up the plague.

This prevents the problem of gingivitis and buildup of calculus. Gentle brushing stimulates the gums, keeping them healthy and preventing them from gum disease.

Apart from the protection against germs, brushing also helps in removing teeth stains. The mild abrasives in toothpaste remove surface stains and debris.

#2. Clean your tongue:

Just like your teeth, your tongue is also susceptible to bacteria and plagues. The accumulation of yeast due to not cleaning your tongue leads to oral thrush. It’s an infection that causes white patches on your tongue.

An antifungal treatment can cure it. Moreover, cleaning your tongue regularly will prevent oral health problems and bad-mouth odor.

Don’t brush or scrape your tongue too hard as it may lead to bleeding. Gently brush your tongue or use a tongue cleaner to clean your tongue.

Make it a habit to clean your tongue along with your daily routine of brushing.

#3. Use fluoride toothpaste:

The tooth enamel is hard yet porous. Using hard chemicals and acids on the teeth can make them susceptible to cavities.

Toothpaste containing fluoride strengthens the tooth enamel and slows down the tooth decay. It fights and protects against the germs that create tooth cavities. No matter which flavor of the toothpaste you choose, buy one with fluoride. In addition to toothpaste, start using mouthwash too.

For shining white teeth mouthwash is a must. It contains low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, which is gentle for the teeth and gums. Using a mouthwash also cleans out the plague from areas where a brush can’t reach.

#4. Floss your teeth:

Most people ignore flossing, but just like brushing, flossing is equally important. According to the Journal of Clinical Periodontology, flossing reduces the chances of having gingivitis. Flossing between the teeth at least once a day does 40% of the job of visiting a dentist for a cleaning. It stimulates the gum and removes the plague.

While flossing, remember this technique. Make a ‘C’ shape by wrapping the floss tape around the teeth and then moving it up and down.

Don’t panic in case you notice some blood while flossing. It’s because the inflammation of the gums happens, and the plague builds up.

#5. Drink more water:

Water is the healthiest drink, unlike any other drink. Drinking water keeps you hydrated, flushes out toxins and also protects your teeth. Especially if you drink water containing fluoride, it is beneficial for your oral health.

Fluoride is a mineral that helps in fighting cavities. Drinking fluoride water strengthens teeth by flushing out the cavity-causing bacteria.

Saliva is also a natural defense against tooth decay. If you face a dry mouth, then drinking water will help in increasing saliva and prevent dry mouth.

#6. Say no to sugar

Intake of too much of sugary items causes type 2 diabetes as well as erodes the tooth enamel. Sugar items are not good for your overall health and oral health. Sugar converts into acid in the mouth which later leads to cavities. Other items that can cause damage to your tooth enamel are acidic fruits, coffee, and tea.

Avoid ready-to-eat foods too. Switch to eating fresh fruits and vegetables that are rich in fiber and are a healthy choice for your teeth. Try eating fruits without cutting into tiny pieces, as this would be a good exercise for the jaw.

The above six oral health tips will make sure that you have good oral hygiene. It’s important that you follow these steps religiously. Along with these steps, it’s crucial to have a dentist appointment at least twice a year. Only a dentist can spot a potential cavity, tooth decay, or any other oral issues. They have the right equipment like the dental x-ray machine that can help capture problems of the interior of the teeth and gums.

Also, with sedation dentistry, you don’t have to have the fear of anxiety to undergo any procedure. Happy teeth, happy you.