Tips to Keep your Remote Workforce Productive


In just one year, remote work has developed from a trend into a necessity for business operations worldwide. Organizations are presently knocking down their cubicles and the idea of the conventional office space and are replacing it with options that allow employees to work from any place at any time. A big reason why remote work is surging in popularity can be credited to recent advancements in technology – especially with respect to availability, mobile devices, and cloud computing. What’s interesting is that, in a recent report, 46 percent of workers indicated that they communicate primarily through email, phone, or instant message in order to avoid some of the distractions associated with face-to-face communication. And 86 percent now prefer to work alone to reach maximum productivity.

Cloud computing technology has contributed abundantly to the growth of the remote workforce. Cloud and mobile solutions give people the ability to work anywhere. Cloud migration consultants ensure success for the company that delivers dynamic hybrid cloud capabilities.

Streamline your Mobile Workflow Management

Streamlining your mobile workflow management is a coherent, effective and straightforward approach to arrange your team and allocate jobs, while having a reasonable and brief outline of completed tasks, and jobs that should be finished. A streamlined mobile workflow will likewise alter your business’s profitability, and improve client experience as the progression of data is streamlined in order to give a reliable and high-quality process that is being evaluated. It likewise enables you to assign your team to jobs they excel at, consequently increasing productivity and efficiency.

Replacing manual tasks with advanced and digital options

The most straightforward approach to support worker productivity is by replacing these manual tasks with advanced and digital options. Modern productivity and communication tools permit the mobile workforce to monitor individual performance just as that of the group and get knowledge into challenges that influence productivity utilizing dashboards. One of the tips to help build a highly productive software development team remotely is to make an effort to hire the right individuals. For that a software development outsourcing company can help you. Some of the tools that help to maximize business performance and mobile productivity are:

Cloud communications

The present cloud communications solutions empower organizations of all sizes to enjoy next generation communications and teaming, without the expense and complexity of premise-based servers and systems. Thanks to cloud migration consulting services, users can check their email on any computer and even store files using services such as Dropbox and Google Drive. Cloud communications empower you to convey the consistent experiences that your workers and your clients presently expect, and offer tremendous potential to improve mobile productivity.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a proprietary business communication platform developed by Microsoft, as part of the Microsoft 365 family of products. As COVID-19 continues affecting organizations over the world, Microsoft Teams goes about as a central hub for teamwork, offering a plenty of remote collaboration capabilities to keep the mobile workforce in control of their activities. Employees can contact peers utilizing the chat features, have voice/video discussions with groups, and team up on reports in real time.

Access and Identity Management

One thing you’ll need to focus on is streamlining the login process for employees. Invest in tools that make it simple and secure for workers to access their devices, applications, and information. For example, consider investing in laptops and mobile devices that come with built-in biometric sensors. This will decrease employee lock-outs.


As remote working becomes a norm, creating a digital workspace that enables employees to work with readiness and versatility has become very critical. From enabling access to centralized resources on a greater range of devices to permitting consistent, real-time communication across divisions, streamlining the file sharing and document management process, to making the way for collaborative teamwork – organizations need to adopt a comprehensive approach in supporting their remote workforce.