A Step by Step Guide for Getting rid of Bedbugs

A Step by Step Guide for Getting rid of Bedbugs

Bed bugs are microscopic insects that can be difficult to eradicate. If your house has bed bugs, these insects have nothing to do with how clean your home is, which means they can practically come from anywhere. They measure around 5 millimeters and are smart, tough, and most essentially reproduce quickly. 

Moreover, bed bugs very well know how to hide to avoid detection and live for many months between meals. In addition to that, if you talk about healthy female bed bugs, they can lay 500 eggs in their whole lifetime. In a sense, they’re like little bloodsuckers who may cause havoc in your home. That means if they get into your bed, they can make your body red and itchy all over the body.

So, if you want to get rid of bedbugs, you have to follow a step-by-step guide or contact top bed bug pest control professionals. Now, let’s go over a step-by-step procedure: –

First, identify all infested areas.

If you want to get rid of bugs, first, you have to identify the areas infected by bugs so that you can stop them from reproducing. To put it another way, if you have bed bugs in your home, you must find them quickly before they reproduce. The reason for this is that treating small infestations is easier and less expensive than treating large infestations.

Search for bed bugs yourself, or you can also hire a top bed bug pest control for an inspection. They can be found under the mattress or couch, as well as in the folds of the drapes.

Look for bedbugs in the below areas: –

  • Tags near the mattress and box spring
  • in the crevices in the headboard and bed frame
  • in the floorboards
  • between the cushions of the couch
  • in the joints of furniture
  • the interior electrical outlets
  • amidst the strewn-about wallpaper
  • underneath the artwork and posters that adorn the walls
  • in the seam between the wallpaper and the ceiling

Contain the infestation

Once you’ve discovered bed bugs, you’ll want to keep them contained so you can get rid of them quickly and efficiently. The vacuum cleaner, on the other hand, is a much more convenient technique to catch bed bugs. For that run the vacuum over any possible hiding places like: –

  • bed
  • dresser
  • carpets
  • electronics (like TVs)

Seal up all the vacuum contents into one plastic bag, throw it away, and then clean out the vacuum. Apart from that, seal up all the linens and affected clothes in one plastic bag until you wash them. After that, put them at the highest possible temperature in the washer and dryer. 

Prep for bed bug treatment

When you get to know that your home is infested with bedbugs before you start any treatment, do a little prep work to get success. For this, ensure that all your linens, clothing, carpets, drapes, etc., have been cleaned or thrown out. 

Aside from that, place all of the linens and afflicted clothing in a single plastic bag until they can be washed. After that, throw them in the washing and dryer at the maximum temperature feasible. In addition to that, don’t move anything from the infected room to the cleanroom. 

Kill the bedbugs

Home cleaning methods to kill bed bugs

First, try to kill bedbugs without any chemicals. That means you can kill them with high heat, 115 degrees, or intense cold. Some of the few ays to treat bed bugs are: –

  • Wash all the bedding and clothes in extremely hot water for around 30 minutes. After that, dry them for 30 minutes on the maximum heat setting.
  • A steamer can be used to kill bed bugs on couches, mattresses, and other surfaces.
  • Place all of the bedbug-infested bags in the freezer at 0 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Pack up all the infected items in black bags and leave them outside on a hot day or in a closed car

Monitor the infected area

It may take a long time to completely eradicate bedbugs. After applying any of the treatments on bedbugs and to ensure that they are removed, you have to check the infested areas once every seven days. 

Aside from that, place bed bug interceptors beneath each leg of the bed to make it simpler to spot surviving bedbugs. Before bedbugs can creep into your bed, these interceptors catch them. But make sure you will check the interceptors after a few days.

Retreat as needed

Bed bugs are tiny organisms, and even if you believe you’ve gotten rid of them, they might pop up anywhere in the house. No matter how many treatments you have tried them on, they will come again. But if you need the best result, it’s better to contact a top bed bug pest control professional to do the work for you. 

Some of the prevention tips to keep the bedbugs out

Prevention tips

  • Clear up any clutter. Papers, magazines, clothes, and other items should not be left on the floor.
  • Use a bedbug cover to completely encase your mattress and box spring.
  • Bedding, furniture, curtains, and carpets should all be vacuumed and washed on a regular basis.
  • To keep bed bugs out, seal cracks around light sockets, baseboards, and electrical outlets.
  • When travelling, look for bedbugs in hotel rooms to avoid carrying them home with you.

The bottom line

Bedbugs are a very common problem in most houses because homeowners face many problems. As you have read above, there are many different methods for bedbugs, but the best is to contact pest control companies as they are highly skilled, experienced, qualified in their work.