Relocating for work? The last moving cheat sheet you’ll ever need


Whether you have been offered an amazing job opportunity at a new company or a promotion but in another city, state or country, moving for a job can be quite overwhelming. There are a lot of nitty-gritty details to take care of, so you want to be as organized as possible to ensure that you maintain your sanity and your new job.

Moving for work is a different ball game than just merely moving, mostly because the timeline is shorter than when you choose to relocate for a change of scenery and then focus on getting a job. Whether you have a couple of months or weeks to get settled and start, this comprehensive cheat sheet will help make moving as seamless as possible.

Do your research

Before you move to a new location, do some recon first. Check out the area you will be moving to and its surrounding towns. Is it safe? Can you afford to live there? What is the average cost of living there? What are your transportation options? Where will you live? You get the point.

Read up on the place and, if possible, visit it beforehand. This way, you get a better feel of the area and know if you can live there. Also, locate the essentials such as a grocery store, dry cleaners, garage, bus stop, and so on. This will make it easier for you once you move. Don’t be afraid to ask your boss to connect you to someone who has moved and is comfortable sharing their relocation experience. The more information you have, the better.

Double-check your finances

Moving is costly, so ask if the company has a relocation package, services, or what assistance they provide. Some employers include the relocation fees offer letter, so liaise with your recruiter and see how flexible they are. Having done your research, you know the cost of living, so be confident as you are negotiating. Also, have a number in mind, so you don’t negotiate blindly only to feel sidelined later.

Find out if you need a passport or a visa

It’s vital to know the difference between a visa and a passport. A passport is a government-issued travel document, used as a form of personal identification during trips abroad. It includes your photo, name, date of birth, gender, and physical characteristics. If you are traveling abroad, a passport is essential in giving you entry into your home country.

Visas, on the other hand, are the permissions granted by a state to a traveler allowing them to enter, leave, or stay for a certain period in that country. The most common visa types are student, tourist, work, or transit. Depending on where you are going, a visa can be valid for single or multiple visits. The visa vs. passport process can be confusing, time-consuming, and quite stressful, especially when your trip is on the line. Ensure you have the correct travel documents ready before you have to move or start your job.

Make a list

With a new job and an impending interstate or international move, this isn’t the time to rely on your memory and your ability to keep mental to-do lists. There are too many things to take care of, and you might not want to risk forgetting anything. Save your brainpower for your new responsibilities at your new job rather than remembering whether or not you packed your toothbrush or changed addresses at the post office. You can make these to-do lists or spreadsheets as detailed as needed because you want to be comprehensive and diligent. Other than your postal address, think of the financial institutions, subscriptions, voter registration, gas, utilities, and so on. You don’t want to get stranded paying for services you don’t use.

Create a budget

It’s essential to have a clear sense of what you are going to spend instead of thinking about it after. You don’t want to begin your new job, in an unfamiliar city or country, neck-deep in credit card debt. Having a moving budget forces you to think about the expenses you will incur, such as hiring movers or renting storage.

It also enables you to decide on what you can afford to buy and what has to wait. Include everything you can think of, such as packing boxes, start-up internet costs, gas, meals, and accommodation. Don’t forget to include the small stuff such as bulbs, toiletries, and cleaning supplies, everything you’ll need to feel at home.

After the heavy lifting, relocating for work can be a great experience. You are in a new place, so embrace it and take in all it has to offer. With this cheat sheet, you don’t have to sweat the small stuff. You can enjoy the new environment and hit the ground running for your first day of work.