Legal Tips to Know if You Are Experiencing Health Issues

Legal Tips to Know if You Are Experiencing Health Issues

Whether you are suffering from a chronic illness, mental health issues, or recovering from an injury, there are laws that the government and state have set in place to protect you. This article has prepared some tips to help educate you.

Sick Leave

State laws require that employers provide paid sick leave to their employees. The employer’s paid sick leave policy usually details the minimum requirement for paid sick leave. However, written policies are not required to receive paid sick leave, even though they are highly recommended. In such a case, you are entitled to paid sick leave based on the minimum state requirements.

Police and Mental Health

People suffering from mental health issues can sometimes come into contact with the police. This can be as victims of a crime, as suspects, or when they are vulnerable and unwell.

If you are arrested, tell the police officers the condition you are suffering from so that you get the proper support and care. You have the right to medical assistance and free legal advice. If you are displeased with the treatment you receive from the police, you can complain at the local police station or through their website. Ensure to report within 12 months.

Consent to Treatment

Before you receive any treatment, it is required that you give consent. But you must have the right amount of information, the freedom to make your own decision, and the capacity to decide. If you feel you might lose your capacity to decide, plan by making advance statements or decisions or have a lasting power of attorney. Consult a lawyer to challenge your medical provider if you receive treatment without your consent.

Compensation Claims

You are entitled to compensation benefits if you got sick due to bad working conditions or got injured while working. For example, workers at Ingersoll Rand used asbestos at their company which exposed workers and potentially led to lung cancer or Mesothelioma. These individuals are entitled to compensation. Sometimes, however, your place of work can wrongfully deny you the benefits or terminate them prematurely. To ensure this doesn’t happen to you, do the following:

  • Report your injury ASAP- compensation laws often require that the injury be reported within 30 days.
  • Get a witness who can prove you were hurt at work and not anywhere else.
  • Get medical treatment.
  • Ensure you explain how you got injured. Your initial medical record should accurately describe the injury.
  • Ensure to fill the Accident Report Forms correctly. If your employer requires that you fill out a report if you get into an accident, ensure that you fill the forms correctly.
  • Make consistent statements – tell the same story to everyone: your doctor, insurer, employer, etc.
  • Give your insurer Limited Medical Authorization to get your medical reports.
  • Don’t give tape-recorded statements to your insurer.
  • Attend all your medical appointments.
  • Consult a lawyer.

Disability Discrimination

The law protects you from discrimination and gives you the right to challenge it. You are protected from discrimination when applying for jobs, at work, buying or renting property, etc. Should you feel that you are being discriminated against, you can make a legal claim. However, there is a short timescale. Consult a lawyer to get more legal advice.

Health and Social Care Rights

When you are suffering from a health issue and are receiving treatment, you have rights regarding the treatment you are receiving. You should get all the necessary information about the treatment procedure you are undergoing, not be discriminated against, and have access to your medical records. Additionally, you can choose your nurse or doctor, your GP practice, change hospitals, and access medical care if you are homeless. Sometimes, you can also be eligible for continuing healthcare which will be provided at your own home.

Bottom Line

The state governments establish laws to protect your rights if you are suffering from a health issue. Follow the tips this article outlined to ensure you receive the proper medical care. If you feel that your medical provider has violated your rights, consult a lawyer to get legal advice or make a legal claim. Note that the information outlined in this article is general legal information and not legal advice. Consult a legal specialist who can advise you more on your specific situation or needs.