How to Setup an Online Pizza Ordering System for Your Restaurant?


The restaurant industry has undergone significant changes in recent years, particularly in how customers interact with restaurants. The world is increasingly moving towards digital solutions, and thus, restaurants are looking for ways to adapt and stay competitive. 

With the rise of technology and the prevalence of smart phones, customers now expect to be able to order food online, either for delivery or pickup. As a result, many restaurants are turning to online ordering systems to meet the demand and stay competitive. An online ordering system can help your restaurant increase revenue and streamline operations.

However, setting up an online ordering system for your restaurant can be daunting, especially if you need to be tech-savvy. But don’t worry, with the right tools and guidance; you can set up an online ordering system quickly. 

The blog post is a guide for you through setting up an online ordering system for your restaurant. From choosing the right platform to optimising your menu, we’ll cover everything you need to know to get started. So let’s dive in!

How to set up an online pizza ordering system for your restaurant: 2 Approaches

There can be 2 approaches to setting up an online pizza ordering system for your restaurant. 

Approach 1: Custom pizza ordering platform on the website

Under this approach, pizza restaurant owners can set up an online pizza ordering system on their restaurant website. Thus, it will enable them to receive pizza orders from their customers directly via the website. Customers can place online orders and pay at pickup. 

To build a custom pizza ordering system, you can hire a dedicated pizza delivery app development team to help you set up the pizza POS to your restaurant website. 

It will cost you around $15K to $60K depending on the design, features, and complexity of your pizza POS. The cost also depends on the location and experience of the outsourcing agency you hire. 

This approach is beneficial but requires a big initial investment. 

What are the benefits of this approach?

  • When you receive orders from your website, you can keep control of your ordering process. You can maintain direct contact with your customers and keep all your profits with you. There is no need to pay commissions to third-party apps. 
  • Another benefit of receiving orders through your website is gaining direct access to your customer data. When customers browse the menu & place orders through the website, you can get insights into their choices & preferences. Thus, you can plan your next marketing strategy based on your customer data. 


  • Also, there are some shortcomings of this approach. You have to manage everything on your own. You will have to take complete responsibility for orders, deliveries, and customer support. If there is an issue with a customer, you will have to provide complete support. 

Approach 2: SaaS-based Pizza Ordering System

Saas-based online pizza ordering system like foodiv is ready-to-launch software with the essential features to go online. Pizza restaurant owners can avail of the services of the pizza ordering system for a fixed monthly fee

It is a budget-friendly approach as it does not require any upfront investment. So, startups and medium size business owners who only want to invest a little initially can go for this approach. 

Also, pizza restaurants can start their pizza shop online within an hour as the readymade pizza ordering software offers all the features and functionalities to receive orders online and make deliveries. 

What are the benefits of this approach? 

  • SaaS-based pizza ordering systems do not require an initial investment of thousands of dollars. All the readymade pizza ordering system services are available for a fixed monthly subscription fee. 
  • The pizza ordering system agency takes full charge of regular software updates and upgrades. Also, they provide complete technical support for software glitches or security issues. 

On the other hand, restaurant owners know the hefty expenses involved in updating and maintaining conventional pizza ordering systems. Thus, the best part of a SaaS -based pizza delivery system is that the agency takes care of the updates, fixes bugs, adds new features, and maintains them. Another advantage is that restaurant owners can terminate their subscriptions without penalty. 

  • It is quick and easy to set up SaaS -based pizza ordering systems. Since the system is ready-made with all the essential features and functionalities, the system can be installed within minutes. Restaurant owners can quickly learn how to use the pizza ordering software and start getting online orders. 
  • Since the SaaS-based pizza ordering system is cloud-based, restaurant owners can use and access it from anywhere. So, it is not necessary for the owners to be at their desks 24/7. They can be anywhere addressing their work; they can access the data from the cloud-based software online on any device. 


What are some of the top pizza ordering systems?

Some popular pizza ordering systems are Foodiv, Toast, HungerRush, Clover, Gloriafood, etc. 

What features does a pizza ordering system offer? 

The online pizza ordering system offers features like online ordering, delivery, inventory management, in-app payment, real-time order tracking, etc. 


An online pizza ordering system can be a powerful tool for pizza restaurants looking to improve their bottom line and enhance their customer experience. Following the steps outlined in this guide, you can set up an pizza online ordering system that meets your business’s unique needs and helps you stay competitive in today’s ever-changing restaurant industry.

It can bring numerous benefits, including increased revenue, streamlined operations, and improved customer satisfaction. However, choosing the right online ordering platform is important, as ensuring that it’s integrated seamlessly into your restaurant’s operations.

When choosing an online ordering system, consider key features such as customization options, payment processing, and order tracking. Additionally, test the system thoroughly before launching to avoid any issues or glitches.

Once you’re online ordering system is up and running, promotes it through your website, social media, and in-store signage to maximize its effectiveness.

You should continually monitor and optimize your system to ensure it meets the needs of your customers and your business. With the right approach, an online ordering system can be a valuable addition to your restaurant’s operations, helping you stay competitive and grow your business.