How to Optimise Google Shopping Campaigns in 5 simple steps


Aside from the giant that is Amazon, internet users tend to use Google to search for products when they are shopping. In fact, as much as one third of searches are done through the engine. As the internet age has dawned, and become an essential part of human life, so too has the eCommerce market. Particularly in the current climate, shopping online has brought a great deal of comfort and flexibility for people around the globe. As the market expands, so too does the competition. The know-how to perform well economically online in this day and age is imperative to making sure that your business is successful. One of the most important ways to make sure you are utilising your online market to its fullest potential is by optimising your Google Shopping campaign.

Working in a similar manner to an SEO search, google shopping feeds place your content higher up on google search, advertising spots and search engine results if you have them optimised. This means more exposure and less trawling for the customer. Making sure that you are up the top of these searches means by proxy you are reaching more people and are more likely to successfully sell your goods. But just how do you get yourself to the top and know how to optimise your google shopping campaign? We have narrowed down this process into 5 simple steps which should hopefully boost your eCommerce, position your Google Ads high and get you some healthy online profits during this particularly tough time.


Successfully implementing this illusive number is really important in how to optimise your google shopping campaign. The GTIN or Global Trade Item Number is a prime way to channel the Google algorithm and make sure that advertising and exposure is brought your businesses way. A GTIN is given by the manufacturer and required if you are reselling products and whilst antiques or second-hand products won’t require these, most other new products will have a unique number. By attaching a GTIN number to your product Google categorizes GTIN’s together and groups them together. This means your product gets branded correctly and reaches a larger audience in the right place. If you have a good product and a GTIN attached, you can make it to your target audience’s screens much easier. On top of this, the number allows the Google algorithm to create ‘Best’ and ‘Top’ lists which appeals to the consumer and benefit your products greatly when included. Provided you’re selling a strong product, attaching a GTIN is a great tip on how to optimise Google shopping campaigns and make your way to the top of that all important google search.

Dynamic Repricing

With competition online verging on the most competitive ever, the globalised market, which reaches all corners of the globe can be a hard place to stand out. Carving a niche product and making sure your eCommerce campaign is strong are pivotal if you want to keep a profit rolling through the door. A great way to make sure that you are current and competitive is employing a tactic of dynamic pricing on your products. Lower prices attract more customers, simple as that. But in a similar vain, you don’t want to be known for cheap junk. You have to strike a balance between profits and sales, this means you will be in and around other businesses and make sure you get to the top searches. It also means when you reach the customers you can effectively turn that exposure into a sale. Making sure you are competitively, dynamically pricing your products with the help of third party systems like WisePricer or Prisync you can scope out competitors prices, act on it and make effective changes. This is another way of how to optimise Google shopping campaigns and make sure that you are remaining competitive in a hugely saturated market.

Accurate Product Information

Describing and categorising your product with accuracy is extremely important when it comes to eCommerce. Making sure you have a strong title, description and miscellaneous added extras assures that you are not only favourable to customers who receive exactly what they are after but also useful for google to categorise the product and effectively rank it in the search feed. Adding a strong description which avoids ‘fluff’ means customers feel more engaged with the product and are more likely to make a purchase. Having a strong appearance in the digital age is crucial for succeeding as a business. This means creating long-lasting connections with customers and accurate product information is a great simple step for how to optimise Google shopping campaigns. Adding accurate product information can ensure increase customer confidence in purchasing from your website, but also minimise the amount of returns that are made. This is achieved through the consumer having all the relevant information before they click buy.

High-Quality Image

Whilst by no means a technical or difficult step to take in terms of sales, make sure you are using a high quality image for your advertised product. How to optimise your Google shopping campaigns is reliant upon this seemingly minor detail. The undervalued thumbnail picture is an eCommerce must and whilst it doesn’t need a big algorithm or premium storage server to set it up, this simple step is huge. You want to make sure that your picture is focused, aligned and has a clear background. On the internet, a picture tells a thousand words and is so much more important to the consumer than pictures in a brick and mortar shop. You want to make a great first impression after all and optimising that shopping campaign by picking the right picture will do just this.

Target Audience

Making sure you retain the notion of a target audience is important in eCommerce. Online your product and marketing campaign can get convoluted in the mass of the market. This can mean you lose touch of who your target audience really is. You want to make sure your niche target market along with your special product are effectively honed in on each other. Retaining an up-to-date customer experience which secures the transaction of trade from product to customer requires constant altering and changing. But throughout all this change and tweaking, making sure that you solely focus on one target market is crucial. If all else changes around your eCommerce campaign, keeping the same target market is a great simple step in how to optimise your Google shopping campaign. Keeping a target audience in mind is useful not just for optimising your Google Shopping Campaign, but for ensuring that your content, marketing strategy and even the products that you choose to sell are in line with the audience that you are targeting. It is recommended that you create a customer persona, this can keep you inline and ensure that you are targeting your audience at all times.


In order for you to create the best performing business possible, you need to know how to optimise your Google shopping campaigns. Utilising these simple steps provided you can transform your eCommerce digital strategy to allow for a wholly more successful business during a time of real crisis worldwide. Making these changes could see your business thrive in an over saturated and tough economic climate, allowing your business to make it through the hard times and hopefully come out the other end with some good profits.

Although appearing a relatively difficult challenge for those website owners less experienced in the world of Google, there are many marketing agencies out there that can conduct Google Shopping maintenance and even offer coaching to those looking to increase their expertise. Harnessing and optimising your Google Shopping is required to ensure that your website thrives. Have you attempted to optimise your Google Shopping Campaigns? Perhaps you have your own recommendations to fellow readers, comment below and share your experience today.