Top Google Shopping Ads Strategies For e-Commerce


As an eCommerce business if you want to ensure optimum success for your store, it is essential to consider every step meticulously and thoughtfully. Well, you can’t take the latest options for reaching out to the wider audience. Google shopping ads have emerged as the most effective ways to reach out to the eCommerce audience at large. All the eCommerce marketing specialists need to learn from the strategies and practices from other successful eCommerce stores and websites and how they use Google Shopping Ads.

Here below we are going to explain some of the most effective strategies for using Google Shopping Ads for promoting your eCommerce store.

Use Perfect Product Descriptions

For selling products, first of all, you need to use the perfect product descriptions before anything else. This requires doing extensive keyword research and searching popular search terms and consider how other products and brands in the competition are using the keywords and getting the result.

In this respect, you need to remember some differences. For example, search for the branded products work completely different compared to the search eps of non-branded products. You can also take positive steps to boost sales by accurate targeting of customers who are likely to respond to your campaigns. You can this do away with the chances of non-productive interactions from your users to a great extent.

Without using pompous and flattering words, you can easily show your products in a positive light and easily grab the shopper’s attention. At the same time try to customize your feed with responses to search queries. Your description in every possible way should address the queries most frequently asked by your customers.

Don’t Forget to Use An Effective Title

Before the customer starts reading the product description, it is the product title that grabs their attention in the first place. This is why you need to give priority in using the title for adverts that just fits the search queries. The title should absolutely concise, precise to the topic and thoroughly relevant to the product searches. There should not be any uncertainty or confusion in the title that prompts the user to switch to another title. You need to use keyword research tools and analytics for finding the most effective titles for product adverts.

Tips to Outpace the Competition

Tips to Outpace the CompetitionGoogle Shopping Ads can be very effective for reaching out to the target audience but since other eCommerce stores in the competition are also engaged in the same practice, you may not find your adverts to be effective in boosting sales in all instances. This is why it is incredibly important to outpace and outshine your competition even with adverts.

You need to give attention to every detail to make your Google adverts stand out from the competition. Is it the title that makes sense or is it really the image in the adverts or the layout or just the storytelling elements that look common and dull? You constantly need to ask, what the adverts lack that makes it commonplace.

Orienting Your Advert With Specific Goal

Every advert has a specific goal. One ad cannot serve multiple objectives like sales conversion, boosting traffic or creating a brand presence. Maybe at the initial stage, you can only find it appropriate to use an advert for creating brand presence and boosting traffic footfall. The next focus area in line can be business conversion and sales.

As the common marketing knowledge says, the majority of businesses in relation to their priorities can be segregated into two types, respectively the ones who focus on driving sales and the ones who aim to generate more traffic or customer footfall. While the first aims to drive tangible business results in quick time, the second focuses on the long-term goal of creating a customer loyal base attached to the brand. While both objectives share a mutual relation, when creating the adverts the eCommerce stores need to prioritize one objective at a time.

An Unfailing Pricing Strategy

As eCommerce stores are facing an increasing level of competition, a favorable pricing strategy satisfying the bargaining intent of the customers will be crucial for the success of eCommerce stores. Since the buyers have no choice but to bargain on prices apart from just making choices, the stores need to offer the best competitive price to keep them on board.

An Unfailing Pricing Strategy  On the other hand, in the case of some product listings, you simply cannot offer competitive pricing and there the only strategy would be underplaying such products in comparison to your best-priced products. While the promotional offers and discounts can often make the price lucrative, you always need to take the price offered by your competition into consideration.

Linking Adverts With Landing Page

The most important thing about an advert is to ensure business conversion by pushing the users to follow the query until they make the purchase. It is counterproductive for your advert strategy if the users after clicking on the ads just lose interest and don’t stick to the query. This is where the role of the landing pages appears as important. When adverts have the links of the landing page, it makes the extra push to make customers add the respective item in the shopping cart.

Since nearly one-third of advert clicks only result in actual sales, you need to utilize all measures to utilize the potential of adverts to the maximum. The most effective principle is to allow them easily and effortlessly make the purchase by clicking on the link. This also requires your landing page to correspond with the advert information.

Up-selling and Cross-Selling

Irrespective of the product niche or type or size of eCommerce stores, the common goal of most online stores is to grab customer attention. Sometimes just after purchasing an item or showing positive interest in a product, customers stay in a positive mood when other adverts of a similar nature can attract their attention more easily. This is when up-selling and cross-selling works so effectively to enhance the chances of business conversion.

When your buyer expressly shows interest in a particular category of product or a product range with specific aesthetics, additional adverts or recommendations showcasing similar items can be more effective in creating scopes of up-selling and cross-selling. Up-selling and cross-selling adverts and recommendations used effectively can garner steady sales over and above the regular sales.

Grab the Peak-Time Sales Opportunity

Most marketing researchers find that adverts optimized for peak times gain more click-through rates than other Google ads. For example, for some industries, Friday morning can fetch enhanced bidding compared to other dates and times. As per your niche and the demand experienced by your competition you can always choose the appropriate timing for the bids.

Examples of Successful Google Shopping Ads

Now that the most effective strategies for Google eCommerce adverts are explained, we need to come across some lively examples from real brands and their experience. Here we have picked 3 such examples that can explain using the right advert strategies for your eCommerce products.

ECCO Oxford

ECCO Oxford located in the city of Oxford is a shoe store selling its products both offline and online. Since footwear is already a highly competitive industry with too many successful and major players, ECCO Oxford had to be careful in showing a value proposition to outshine the competition.

After putting considerable effort into optimizing their product listing the brand made the precise targeting by focusing on the best traffic searching for products with lowest-priced items. Apart from this they always updated the product listing based on fashion trends of the day. No wonder, within a short span of time they achieved a 28% boost in business conversion besides getting an increase in traffic and other parameters.

Paper Culture

Paper Culture is a niche stationary product brand which shows their concerns for the environment through their environment-friendly recyclable product range. Since they lacked brand positioning similar to the large ones in the competition they had to carefully craft a Google Shopping Ads strategy.

Paper Culture in their ads focused on the image-based content that perfectly address the user intent. Efficient and precise audience targeting further helped them to generate quality leads. No wonder, in a short time, they could increase their ROI 3 times.

TravelSmith Outfitters

TravelSmith Outfitters is a brand to give more value to the travel experience through its custom-tailored outfits. They embraced a data-driven approach and presented all their data to Google for creating adverts with offers that help to convert sales more easily. Within just less than a couple of years, the brand experienced a whopping 200% increase in online sales thanks to this new advert strategy.


From the above-mentioned tips, strategies and examples it is quite clear that Google Shopping Ads can really turn the fortune of an eCommerce store if it is utilized effectively and efficiently. Unlike the erstwhile AdWords, this Google ad platform offers more value for eCommerce startups and rising brands.