9 Marketing Tips and Ideas For Nature Bloggers


Nature bloggers need to offer tons of content to keep the readers interested. This means you should understand what ideas you can use while also utilizing marketing tips to grow your audience.

Visit Local Parks and Hiking Trails

You can always visit local parks and hiking trails in your area. When you visit these places, you can take pictures of the local nature and share them on your blog. This gives you a great opportunity to show off animals and plants to your readers.

Make sure to look around the whole time, so you can capture unique moments and share them through your blog.

Review Campsites

On top of visiting trails, you can also go to different campsites. When you go camping, you can pay attention to the local nature and write some reviews for your readers. For example, you can visit the campgrounds in Mississippi and talk about which ones you enjoyed the most.

As you review campsites, you should point out which ones offer the best experiences for nature lovers.

Bring Attention to Endangered Species and Plants

When you have a nature blog, you have the opportunity to draw attention to important issues. For example, if you learn about an endangered species or even plants, you can mention the problems to your readers and bring awareness to the issue.

This can help you point your readers in the right direction, so they can provide some assistance and help those endangered species when possible.

Offer Advice Based on Your Own Experiences with Nature

You can also offer advice to your readers based on your own experiences with nature. For example, if you went on plenty of trips, you can offer trip advice to your readers by bringing up key supplies or equipment.

Since you run a nature blog, you have the opportunity to help others and give them some advice to help them have enjoyable experiences in nature.

Share information About Nature


Nature has its history and interesting stories, so you can bring them up in your blog posts. This can include specific information about your local area, different animals you have at home, or similar stories you can share.

This comes down to sharing a unique angle about nature, so you can keep your readers interested and wanting more whenever you create a blog post.

Create a Website

Your nature blog should also involve marketing tips, so you can get more readers. You can start by creating a website about yourself and your blog, so you can direct your readers to your site.

For example, you may have some more pictures or any interesting information you want your readers to know. You can share these details by including a hyperlink in your blog posts.

Design Some Merchandise

As you have a website, you can design some merchandise and share it with your readers. Merchandise gives you a great opportunity to spread your brand while also helping you make some money.

As you design your merch, you can make it related to yourself and nature. This can help you associate yourself with nature, so you can get more people interested in your blog.

Make Social Media Updates

You can utilize social media by posting updates about your nature experiences whenever you log onto them. This means you should make multiple social media pages, so you can post your blog posts on them and share them with your readers.

Social media also gives you a chance to talk with your fans and find out what they think about your most recent blog posts.

Take Videos

You also have the opportunity to record your experiences, so you can show more nature to your readers. These videos give you a chance to record specific moments including beautiful animals or plants you come across during one of your hikes.

You can also utilize videos as an opportunity to create vlogs if you want to, so make sure you look into your marketing options.


Nature blogs give you a great opportunity to share your outdoor experiences with others. Make sure you find various ideas for your blogs while also applying marketing tips, so you can reach more people.