How to Manage Your Business Associations Effectively


Business associations are organizations that bring together business owners from certain areas. These organizations vary in size and operation coverage. It can be operating nationwide, country-wide, or globally. 

They come together to improve the industry they are in or the way businesses are operated in certain areas. Some of the activities include setting industry standards, research, and lobbying.

According to the National Small Business Association, this coming together presents opportunities to network. They also get to share information and resources, which helps them to grow.

Some organizations belonging to an association may indeed be competitors. But this venture presents more benefits than disadvantages as they can share industry insights that can help one improve business. In some cases, they can help with referrals for services like building maintenance. 

Managing Business Associations

Managing a trade association is like running a for-profit organization. The same questions are usually asked, how can the organization grow? Where will we find new members? What positioning do we want for our association to make us different from the rest in the industry?

A business with a few employees is already complicated to handle, what more an organization made up of businessmen and women. So, below are some tips on how you can manage business associations effectively. 

Incorporate a Business Association Management Software

When you are managing a large group of people or organizations, it is advisable to invest in technology. The technology will make it easy for members to stay connected. It will also make it easier to register for events and renew their membership.

Association membership organizations have different web-based systems available to make communications and documentation easier. It also eases the process of other time-consuming administrative tasks.

The systems are usually integrated into an association’s website as a password-protected members-only section. Members prefer technological upgrades. That’s because it provides them with greater access and control over things they need to oversee and attend to. 

When it comes to keeping members’ data, a membership management software will help to keep it organized. The software allows you to:

  • Assess member’s demographic information
  • Track members’ engagement. This enables you to know the shortcoming and successes of different initiatives
  • Craft workflows for members to adhere to

Membership software is important because it allows managers to have seamless and swift data transfer between platforms. This means that different software tools like online member communities, marketing software, and other solutions are integrated into a unified platform. 

Make a Public-To-Do List and Set Goals

Have you ever wondered what your association members are up to? Ever wondered whether they completed the task you assigned them? Is it still on their mind or are they swamped up with other duties?

Publicizing your to-do list will help the association members to get a feel for your priorities. It will also help you to avoid the stress brought on by being stretched too thin. This can be avoided by knowing what members can handle.

It’s also important that you set long-term goals for the association. It helps to give direction and focus. Sometimes challenges can be stumbling blocks in your goals. So instead of getting overwhelmed by all the work, break it up into projects and then individual tasks.

Set up a manageable schedule and a due date for every item. Be realistic about how much time each item will need and give yourself a little wiggle room.

Stay Committed and Seek Clarity

When members of an association don’t trust each other, they spend a lot of time avoiding conflict. Yet they’re supposed to air out their opinions and work together to find a common ground. This causes a state of perpetual ambiguity to arise. Then clear goals and strategies fail to emerge from association meetings.

This leads to poor decision-making and it also stifles productivity among leaders. commitment to your initiatives means developing an atmosphere where conflict is welcomed. Conflicts shouldn’t be avoided. That’s because differing perspectives contribute toward shaping a clear goal.

One of the challenges that associations face is the lack of alignment among managers. The top leadership sometimes stops working to fulfill the associations’ vision. It could also be that they never understood what the vision was.

Associations need to focus on the alignment of their principles by asking:

  • Why they exist
  • How they should behave
  • What they can do to succeed

Failure to develop and share a clear sense of the association’s vision, values, goals, and delegation of responsibilities is a recipe for disaster. Not even the best education on the management of business associations will matter. Because the association will lack purpose and direction.

Hold Regular Meetings

Meetings are very important in managing associations effectively. Note that no activity is more central to creating a healthy business association than meetings. To ensure success, the association’s management should do the following:

  • Hold separate meetings for strategic and tactical business planning
  • Assess a tactical agenda after reviewing your progress against goals
  • Allocate enough time for clarification, debates, and resolution of major challenges
  • Meet quarterly to review what’s happening in the industry and the association

Meetings provide you with a regular forum on core values. They enable members to realign principles and provide perspectives on business practices.

Have an Association’s Certification Program

Certification, accreditation, and award programs are important. They also serve to establish an organization in the industry.

So use cost-effective marketing techniques to ensure the programs flourish. Other tactics like the use of garnering member testimonials are also effective.

After the launch of the accreditation programs, the right publicity can lead to industry recognition within a short time.

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Put Yourself in the Shoes of Member Organizations

The association’s industry, just like any other, was hit by the Covid-19 pandemic. But despite that, there’s still a silver lining due to the innovations and new business models.

Surveying the needs of your members enables you to accurately assess what’s more important to them. For instance, what’s their biggest challenge or issue of concern? To address these needs, you can create an association benefits program.

Reaching out to members makes them feel like they’re part of the decision-making process. It also makes them feel valued and in tune with the association’s board and leadership. If members are concerned about the cost, try using web-based survey tools to speed up the process. 


The health of the association industry is important since it affects all the stakeholders. Failure to support the multi-billion-dollar industry ready to serve them is a recipe for disaster.

By staying in tune with the needs of all members, an association can adapt to the changing environment. It will also be able to firmly implant itself as an essential career development partner.