How can a Brand Enter the Metaverse right away?


The metaverse is full of opportunities in virtual reality and augmented reality. With this opportunity in AR and VR, the metaverse is giving a great opportunity to the NFT marketplace too. You are going to find out who is already there and how to get started for the metaverse as a marketer. 

How will you feel if your digital avatar is at the wine shop and is talking with the bartenders or wine expert? Well, you talked and liked the person then you ordered the wine in the metaverse and you got it delivered to your doorstep within minutes.

Welcome to the world of a metaverse where you can use your digital presence to fulfill your physical needs. But first, if you are a brand holder and you have a good running business you will have to find out if your brand is future-ready for the metaverse, NFT, and web 3.0? 

The article will briefly introduce you to the metaverse and the marketing immersed in it. But first, there are several terms that you should know as a meta marketer.

Terms that the meta marketer should know! 


There are many definitions and meanings of the metaverse depending on the resource you refer to. If we talk to the oxford dictionary “a virtual-reality space in which users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users.” 

Mark Zuckerberg said that virtual reality is a thing that can easily link with your real-time experiences. Metaverse can merge your digital life with your real life. He added that you will be able to do anything that you want with the help of Metaverse


NFT is known as non-fungible tokens. Yes, it is the full form of the NFT. But what does it do?  Actually, NFT is a digital asset in form of images, videos, and games. This asset will help you through the growth of the metaverse

NFTs can be bought and sold with the help of Cryptocurrency and bitcoin. 

Web 3.0 

It is the third generation of the internet after World wide web and the internet we use nowadays. 

You will have to be prepared for the new opportunities that your brand can take up. There has been a noted linked-in comment by Lindsey Mclnerney, former global head of technology and innovation at Anheuser Busch InBev which reads “The similarities between where social media was 17+ years ago and where we are now with the emerging metaverse is wild”

How can a brand enter the metaverse right away? 

After knowing the stuff about metaverse it seems that it is easy to do marketing with Virtual and augmented reality. Brands are right now building virtual showrooms to showcase their products to their customers. With the help of this, the people will be able to easily get a 3D view of products like cars, bikes, and jewelry. 

There is a thing called virtual try-on which helps customers to jump into augmented reality with the help of try-on glasses or makeup. 

There are marketers in the metaverse who are taking concerts. Attending art festivals and arranging sporting festivals as well. 

Avatars and their fashion budget 

It is now a trend if you sell a digital version of your product or property in the metaverse. And people are already generating revenue with this. There are brands that help you and allow you to personalize your product with its digital appearance of it. Like handbags, shoes, sunglasses hats, etc. and this could be done by your actual avatar.  

Metaverse is taking us to the next level of business where it comes to the form of D2A which is known as direct to the avatar. With this module, the brands will be able to directly sell their digital identities.  

Meta Branding 

You may easily sponsor the events in the physical world with the good terms of ROI and that can be easily implemented in the metaverse. You can gamify your product to get more engagement and users in the metaverse. For instance, Louis Vuitton created a video game to get to their younger audience and they literally gamified their branded NFT collectibles. 

Virtual Pop-ups

With the help of virtual pop-ups, you will be able to do the engagement from a long distance. In these post-pandemic times, people are finding creative and customizable opportunities that’s what meta marketing provides to its users. There are some brands that are making virtual popups for their customers to shop for special edition gifts. 

Try-on right away 

There is a feature called try-on in the snap which helps people to try the sunglasses, shoes, and hats. Once they are happy with the product they can just slide to the website to buy it. Gucci has also made a case study on it. 

What does snap say about it?

“The shopping AR experience generated positive ROAS, as Snapchatters were purchasing the products from the app! Not bad for a campaign that was only supposed to generate awareness and engagement”    


If we talk about the current situation of marketers in the metaverse is at a growth stage. But as the rapid changes are happening every day now consumers are more adaptable and attentive than they ever have been. You may future proof your metaverse marketing with the help of this guide.