Great Methods to Free up Disk Space on a Macbook


Lacking free disk space is one of the most common problems that new Macbook users have to face. Switching from a PC to a macOS takes time getting used to but tends to work out in the end. However, the problem of fitting every file in a relatively small drive continues to bother a lot.

Those who have experience with a Mac will tell you that over here, where it is inevitable to work with smaller disks, it is still possible to make the most out of what is available. In fact, there are multiple methods that will free up disk space on a Macbook.

Method #1 – Use Cleanup Software for Junk Files

Junk files like caches, app extensions, plugins, temporary backups, and any other temporary storage can get out of control if you are not getting rid of it consistently. The files themselves are not that big, but the sheer number puts a toll on the computer and slows its performance by a lot.

Removing junk like this manually can be a bit difficult. You will also need to create backup folders in case you delete something important by mistake. On the other hand, there is a cleanup utility software that does the work for you. Using a utility tool would make things a lot easier.

Method #2 – Delete Old Applications

Old applications serve no purpose and are only taking up valuable free disk space. After all, if you ever need to use an app again, there is always an option to redownload it.

Open your app list and sort it by the date used. If there are some that have not been touched for a few months, it might be time to consider removing it from the computer. And while most apps are not considered to be large files, trimming down the list will make the difference. Also, remember to empty the trash bin and remove the caches from any applications you delete.

Method #3 – Remove Language Files

Some applications come with multiple languages. But the reality is that you usually need only the English version, or the English and another language you are fluent in.

If there are over 50 languages available, this pack of files can be up to one gigabyte. Imagine how much disk space you could make by removing language files. Look at your applications, and if any of them come with redundant language files, delete these files.

Method #4 – Scan for Malware

There are various kinds of malware and viruses. Protecting your computer from these threats should be a priority. And while most people associate viruses with means to acquire sensitive personal information, there are threats that consume disk space. And they cannot be detected without a proper anti-malware tool.

Scan the computer and determine whether there are no viruses or malware that are slowly consuming disk space. It is better to be safe than sorry.

Method #5 – Clean up Mail and Download Folders

Communicating and working using an email means that you need to open a lot of attachments. By default, any attachment you double-click in the email gets saved on the Mac. The folder might be larger than you expected.

The same thing can happen with the download folder. Take a look at how many files have accumulated over the years and remove any that are no longer of any to you.

Method #6 – Use Clouds

Cloud-based services, such as iCloud and Dropbox, are great for freeing up disk space. You get gigabytes of free storage and can upgrade the plan for even more. But the bottom line is that transferring files will lessen the burden of the drive and give you more space to work with.

Method #7 – Update the OS

Updates to the OS might not seem like a way to create more free space on the drive, but it does happen now and then. Most updates are meant for stability, security, and overall performance improvements.

However, there are some updates that change the system files or remove redundant or duplicate data, which also creates more free space.

Method #8 – Purchase External Storage Devices

External storage devices like USB memory sticks or hard drives give you more than enough available storage. Even DVDs, while not as popular, can still be used for data. It will cost you money, but you will free up the disk of the Macbook without deleting the files.

Method #9 – Subscribe to Streaming Services

Media files like TV shows and movies are some of the largest you can find on any computer. If you like to consume media, subscribing to various streaming platforms will eliminate the need for keeping large media files on the computer.