Flutter vs. Xamarin: A Business Owner’s Comparative Guide


When making an executive decision about the mobile development enterprise, there is always a perfect choice and ask yourself whether the development is the best approach or not.

Here is a point to look at Xamarin as the seasoned leader in developing a cross-platform that is younger yet promising.

Flutter or Xamarin: which will be good? We will dive into this article to know which one is good for your business. 


Google supports Flutter, and it releases in the year 2017. Now Flutter will be we and the most promising development of the multi-platform in the market at current times. The developers support the Flutter mobile app development, thanks to the highly optimized and streamlined process, and it is yet to reach the status of production ready. Flutter is still moving towards maturity, and many top companies like Tencent, Nissan, Alibaba, and Reflectly are using this platform for the better good. 

Xamarin- is an old software development that has multi-platform toolsets. It first came out as a Mono framework you got back in 2012. It gets the Microsoft backup and the integration of the .NET platform in the year 2016. So now you can consider it the best alternative, which belongs to the full active mobile app development for multiple platforms. Take into consideration of the pros and cons of Xamarin. You must thank .NET in particular, which is a framework of de-facto mobile development to the choice for the teams in work and making it liable to .NET/C# technology stack. Also, it is popular to create various apps like BBC, UPS, Transistor, ACS, Microsoft Azure, and many others. 

Flutter vs. Xamarin

  1. Platform coverage– both of them support multiple platforms. Flutter starts as a prolific Android/iOS development toolset, but they quickly announce the spans ion to macOS, Linux, Windows, web, and many other platforms. On the other hand, Xamarin is a much-established framework that already supports the stable support of IOS, Windows, Android, and macOS platforms. In addition, it offers support to GTK#, WPF, and Samsung Tizen with various technical previews in beta stages. 

In platform support, Xamarin offers better platform coverage that needs to compare with Flutter. In addition, it brings to the Google mobile cross-platform development framework, which grows actively through the Flutter for Web and macOS. 

  1. Language learning– in a programming language, C# is the 6th most popular programming language in the entire world. It undoubtedly brings the massive popularity of the framework of .NET development which will include Xamarin. Many developers appreciate C#, and it has some incredible perks. Xamarin is a combination of visual Studio IDE, .NET, and C#, which makes Xamarin the perfect framework of choice for mobile developers for the first time. It is a tendency that will intensify with the upcoming features. Also, .NET 5 will expect to bring further consolidation of the .Net framework and its parts where Xamarin is included. 

One must integrate with the .NET and a long history of perfect development with Xamarin iOS and the Xamarin. Android with highly unique native mobile apps that one creates with C#, and there is no single line of Java and Swift code. Xamarin and XAML form the increased code with reusability of 96% with perfect native, UIs fair, simple, and clean features. 

There is a background in C#/.NET; there is a new Xamarin developer who can learn the ropes in a few days. One can easily pick it up, and it becomes a manageable task one needs. There are various options to learn C# and Xamarin, like extensive documentation, online books and offline courses with 3rd parties, Stack Overflow, and Xamarin forums.

  1. IDE, I.e., Integrated Development Environments and Pricing- if you consider flutter development, it is not in the bind of specific IDE. Hence, the developers of Flutter application development servicesare free to choose from IntelliJ IDEA, Visual Studio Code, and Android Studio. These options are free of charge and easy to set up. For Xamarin IDE, it is a different story, and the framework is an open-source story. It comes as a free part of the .NET platform to buy the license for VMS, I.e., Microsoft Visual Studio IDE, which is perfect for a commercial project to go on. If the developers are already in work with the C#.NET/Visual Studio Stack, which is not at all a problem. The licensing cost will be considered for Xamarin development for the first time.
  1. Use of APIs and Native Libraries– Xamarin.Essentials and its library will grant easy access to overlap native APIs of Android, UWP, and iOD. Although it is abstract from the sets of cross-platform APIs, they offer better access to the shared codebase of Xamarin Native and Xamarin. Forms and apps are alike. Xamarin Native will allow access to all the platform-specific APIs, fully using the cases not covered by Essentials. 

Flutter has limited access to the small number of APIs p, storm-specific, and the services from out-of-box experience. Mass creation of the cross-platform API is not the framework’s perfect priority. The main focus should be on flexibility and customizing. For major cases, the Flutter developer will make the Dart packages in advance to access the native services and the APIs to create their integration with good platforms and platform channels. 

  1. UI design– there is a use of platform-specific, and it has native UI components with no more and even no less, and one can create it through the following:
  • Design separate UIs for the p to form specific apps that use Xamarin.iOS and the Xamarin.Android. The main benefit is to achieve greater fidelity and completely look for the native of the cross-platform apps with proper flexibility. The flaw is that there is no UI shared code which brings the portability down with the reusability of the overall code of the apps. 
  • Xamarin.Forms app will use the shared native elements and the interfaces and even achieve code shareability up to 96%. However, there is a downside of Forms to know the capabilities that are rather limited and gradually expand. For many platform-specific and dynamic elements to change, one had to dip in the use of native and the Xamarin Native code. 

In Flutter, the UI design is available in two sets of proprietary widgets for iOS and Android, and the designer needs anyone to use and design the UI. Flutter never uses GUI native and its components, but it makes sure to use the library of Skia Graphics. The main benefit is to make existing customized widgets easy and then create new ones, allowing you to share the intricate graphics and animations between the platform-specific and the app version. The only downside is to look into the native side that makes you escape. If the native iOS and the Android look and feel change with the OS next update, your app will be at risk of looking inconsistent and somewhat obsolete. 

  1. Development speed and experience– the developers of Xamarin and Flutter will talk about the development speed and the streamlining of Flutter miles ahead of Xamarin. The Hot Reload functionality allows developers to make an immediate change and make a perfect change to a perfect code on the virtual and the real device, which is right as they go into coding. Hot Reload is an amazing feature that will boost productivity and give a perfect aid in quick prototyping, testing, and experimenting. 

The Xamarin team will implement two features with Hot Restarting and XAML Hot Reloading that will give the most stable release with close gaps and eliminate the clear advantages of the Flutter over the Xamarin. 

  1. Testing Capabilities– the capabilities of Xamarin with extensive testing will come with the Visual Studio plus as a different testing environment. Xamarin applications must be tested with the dedicated unit and the UI testing tools with native tests, frameworks, and third-party tools. Flutter testing will have many integrated options to run the specific unit, and the widget tests will check the integration level. It is flexible and the well- documented tool to create and even run with highly optimized tests.

Hire the right developer

What is your business requirement? What service do your products and services need? When you find the right answer, you will be in the right direction to choose the right developer who can assist you in designing the best mobile application or web application per your business needs. The developers have good and sound knowledge of both Flutter and Xamarin, and they are in the market to give you the best advice on who is the best in the market. Accordingly, you can opt for that framework or platform and get the best application to run your business successfully. Always have a detailed talk with the developer and start the project on your given budget to make the most of it. 


Until 2019, Xamarin is more stable, well-developed, and mature if you compare it with Flutter. Therefore, Xamarin is the perfect choice for enterprise applications, especially for the .NET product implementation and C#. Additionally, Microsoft development and its framework will have a better platform to get good coverage when it comes to the building of the app, and there is a shared codebase. But it does not mean that Flutter is less than anything. It is though not yet production ready, but it has incredible potential. Flutter will undoubtedly become the new leader in native and multi-platform development. Flutter will become popular if true, and no one can beat it. It is a great thing to invest in the future too.