Can Fire Blankets Protect a Building from Wildfire?

Fire Blanket

Lab and real-fire assessments widely demonstrate that high-quality fire blankets could effectively protect a building from limited exposure to wildfires. However, these assessments have also highlighted the technical limitations of the fire blankets’ existing form.

Wrapping a structure in fire-protective blankets is considered a viable way of protecting it from fires, according to a recent scientific study that aimed to assess this method of fire protection. By rigorously testing varying fabric materials in the lab and utilizing them to shield buildings exposed to a fire of increasing magnitude, this study confirmed that the current blanket technology could successfully protect buildings from wildfire attacks, particularly for a short period.

For effective deployment against fires of a higher magnitude and in various areas of high building density, technological improvement of the blanket material, the deployment methods, and multi-structure protection approach are required. Note that the entire process of performing these improvements must be handled by a professional.

How do fire blankets work?

To grow and spread wide, wildfires must have heat, an oxidizing agent such as oxygen, and fuel. Fire blankets can be thrown on an incipient fire to help put out the fire by cutting off the oxygen that could be feeding it. However, to completely smother the fire, it’s essential that the entire fire blanket is placed over the fire in the correct way. Typically, the blanket must be placed in such a way that it entirely covers the fire to put it out successfully.

It is essential to mention that fire blankets are also an excellent way to address fire, particularly when people have clothing that begins to catch fire in a room or elsewhere. A blanket can be wrapped around a person to extinguish the flames and prevent them from getting banned. And if someone needs to escape her home with a massive fire, it is recommended to wrap themselves in a fire blanket to limit the potential burns and the amount of heat they get exposed to as they exit a burning facility.

Can fire blankets replace fire extinguishers?

Experts in fire extinguishing firmly believe that fire blankets may not be replacements for fire extinguishers. However, they complement them. The blanket technology is much simpler for individuals who may be unfamiliar with how to use fire extinguishers correctly. Water-based fire extinguishers should not be used on specific fires feeding on various flammable fluids such as oil, gasoline, or even fires involving electricity.

Just think about it; when water is sprayed on oil or any other flammable liquid fire, the liquid being burned is likely to splatter around and continue to spread the fire. On the other hand, electrical fires are likely to cause electrocution to the people trying to extinguish them using water. This is because water conducts electricity. And that’s bad news for you, even if you are trying to put out a small fire in your kitchen.

Fire blankets and other related technologies can be used to smother both electrical fires and flammable liquid fires successfully. This is the main reason it is recommended for people to keep fire blankets within the kitchen rather than fire extinguishers. Note that the potential for electrical fires and grease-related fires around your stove or oven is real, and you will need a reliable way to extinguish such fires. Always remember that fire blankets cannot replace fire extinguishers.

Do property owners need fire blankets?

The blanket technology is one of the various pieces of essential fire safety equipment every property owner needs. These fire blankets are perfect for homeowners because they are easy to use and can quickly smother different types of fires long before they grow and spread. In addition, correct use of fire blankets requires nearly no training, and this technology can be used to address different types of fire in a property.

Additionally, fire blankets can be utilized to keep people safer from various burns, particularly when they are trying to get out of a burning home or facility. For example, suppose there are several family members in a house and are trying to get out due to a massive fire. In that case, they can wrap themselves up in the fire blankets so that they can get out with fewer or no burns at all.

The point is; in addition to having fire extinguishers in your home, you still need fire blankets and have smoke detectors installed throughout your property for fire safety. After all, detecting a fire early enough gives you the chance to get to safety or address it long before it spreads.

Wrap up

For fire safety, both residential and commercial property owners must take specific measures to ensure that families and other people who use or visit their establishments are fully prepared in case of fire outbreaks within those facilities. In addition to having emergency exit doors and fire extinguishers installed, it is recommended to have fire blankets readily available.