Benefits Of Natural And Organic Baby Products For Your Baby

Benefits Of Natural And Organic Baby Products For Your Baby

Every parent worries about their baby’s health and well-being and tries to feed the little one only with the best possible baby food. Due to scientific research and many tests, we know that organic baby products are usually safer and healthier than non-organic ones. 

So, despite a higher cost, a lot of parents choose organic baby formula and toddler snacks for their children. Should you do the same? It’s up to you. But what advantages of natural and organic baby foods can we find to help you decide if this is worth paying extra? Let us show you.

Organic infant formula and follow-on formula

European manufacturers of organic baby food products offer 2 stages of baby formula – infant formula (for 0-6-month-old babies) and follow-on formula (for 6-12-month-old toddlers). Both types of baby food can be organic and non-organic.

If the product is high-quality and the manufacturer respectable, you can safely use either organic or classic formulas without worrying about the healthiness of your little one’s meals.

The difference between Stage 1 and Stage 2 baby formulas is in the contents – the level of milk proteins, iron, and other nutrients differ for infants and toddlers.

Peculiarities of infant formula

Infant formulas are also divided into PRE and Stage 1 products. The main source of carbohydrates in PRE milk is lactose. The same can be found in natural breast milk. In the Stage 1 formula, there are complementary carbohydrates in the form of either starch, maltodextrin, or both. Some babies might have problems digesting these carbs at first. If this is your case, don’t worry, that’s normal, your child just needs time to get used to the complex carbs.

Another characteristic feature of infant formula is the ratio of whey protein to casein protein – 60:40, while toddler formulas have 20:80. Such a high level of whey in infant milk brings it as close to breast milk as possible. Besides, whey protein is easier to digest, according to the latest scientific research.

Peculiarities of follow-on formula

These baby products are suitable for toddlers from 6 months old. They are designed to be used as an addition to complementary foods. Usually, at this age, parents already start to introduce solid foods to their babies but continue to feed them with breast or formula milk as well.

Follow-on formulas contain more iron (sometimes twice as much as infant first milk).

Benefits of organic baby food products

  1. Organic baby formulas and toddler snacks are made from organic ingredients that are safe for a child’s health. To get an EU Organic Certificate, a baby product has to be produced from 95% organic ingredients and the other 5% must follow additional strict conditions set by the EU. Every infant and toddler food product undergoes strict testing to receive the label “organic”, while the production of non-organic baby food is somewhat simpler. So, parents can be certain of the safeness and healthiness of organic formulas or snacks they give to their babies.
  2. Organic infant and toddler foods are rich in nutrients. Due to serious scientific research, we know which macro and micronutrients and in what amounts a baby needs to grow and develop properly. Baby food manufacturers use this knowledge to create the best possible nutrition, after breast milk. When you’re feeding your little one with formula milk or healthy baby snacks, you can be sure that he/she gets all the needed nutrition and supplements.
  3. Organic baby food products are safe for kids because diseases can’t be transferred from sick animals to babies. All the ingredients are grown in clean soil and obtained from animals that undergo strict health control. That’s why organic formulas are free of dangerous chemicals, hormones, and antibiotics – organic farming allows the use of them only in exceptional cases, while ordinary farmers often overindulge in potent medication with their cattle.

A few ideas of high-quality organic baby foods from respectful brands

Just to give you some ideas for organic infant and toddler food options, here are examples of products popular with parents all around the world. Like Holle, Jovie, Hipp cereal porridge, baby muesli, organic infant formulas, etc.

  • Jovie Stage 1 Organic Goat Milk Formula
  • Hipp HA Stages PRE & 1 Combiotic Infant Formula
  • Holle Organic Milk Cereals
  • Holle Crunchy Baby Puffs
  • HiPP Organic Baby Muesli
  • Organic HiPP Snack Bars


Although organic baby foods aren’t as cost-effective as non-organic products, they are safer and healthier for your child. It doesn’t mean non-organic formulas and baby snacks are always dangerous for your infant or toddler, but there is some risk of transferring dangerous chemicals, hormones, and antibiotics from formula ingredients to your baby. Of course, it’s your right to decide what baby foods to offer to your precious one, but in any case, be very careful and picky with such products, always read the ingredients, find out more about the baby food brand, and look closely how your child reacts to the formula milk or snacks you give him/her.