Three Different Ring Designs You Need to add to Your Collection (Men)


Rings are a staple piece of jewellery for both men and women, often bringing your whole outfit together. Rings on males are usually associated with marriage as a sign of love and devotion to their spouse. For many years rings have been viewed as a feminine piece of jewellery, however that has all changed now. Historically men would wear rings as a sign of wealth and power but for the common man that was not the case. 

Nonetheless, with the rise of music with the genres of hip-hop and more, it has led to an increased demand for male jewellery, rings included. In 2021 you can see changes within men’s perception regarding fashion. Breaking stereotypical gender norms, men are wearing whatever they desire as they believe it does not affect their instinctual masculinity. 

I am excited to tell you about three different rings designs, that you definitely need to complete your outfit and look incredibly handsome. 

Men’s Signet Ring Design

With the many new and freshly engaging designs of the 21st century, signet rings a definitely a luxury ring you need. This type of ring can be matched well with many other forms of jewellery whether it be a necklace or bracelet. With the material that is used for the creation of signet ring designs, you can definitely match it with one of your luxury watches, in connection to the fact that they share similar materials. Signet rings are known to be the ‘gentleman’s ring’, in traditional history they are viewed as a symbol of one’s family heritage. But in 2021 this is frankly not the case, individuals no matter where they come from, or their walk of life are able to purchase a signet ring. 

Signet ring designs usually consist of engravings or symbols, but nowadays you can get a huge range of different designs even plain if that is what you prefer. You can get predesigned signet ring designs, or even create your own and personalise them to fit your desire and preference. Signet rings are elegant and eye-catching. They even come in different shapes and sizes from a round shape to oval, so you can never go wrong with this type of ring. I must say however signet rings can end up in the expensive range for some people, so choose wisely if you decide to purchase this ring design.  

Men’s Mood Ring Design

Mood rings are evidently created to state your current mood. Your mood is told through a range of different colours on the ring design. Each colour in which the ring may change into signifies a certain mood, however different ring designs signify through different colour systems. On a usual colour scheme, black is associated nervous and tense, grey with anxious and strained, amber means mixed and unsettled, green means active and stress free, blue-green represents relax, the whole blue is calm and lovable and finally purple/violet interprets as happy, loving and passionate. 

Mood rings come in different shapes and sizes which make them a great design. Some male individuals get them in designs that have a little stone that holds the colours, and the band is usually either silver or gold. Others get a whole mood band that runs across the whole ring. With whatever design you get they are applicable to all clothing styles and can really help you rock your look. 

Men’s Gemstone Ring Design

As mentioned before, rings that were worn especially by men were symbols of wealth, privilege, and marital status historically. But of course, now this is not the case, however gemstones and stone rings were definitely a symbolic piece back in the day. With gemstones you will never run short on variety, there is a gemstone to represent whatever you desire. Some individuals decide to even get rings with birthstones which can be meaningful to them. 

I hope this content was informational and that you will consider adding these ring designs into your collection.