Setting up a Balanced Team


A balanced team is necessary for every organization to succeed. A balanced team is made up of members with various viewpoints and skill sets who collaborate well to accomplish shared objectives. Understanding the various team functions and how to efficiently distribute them among the team is one of the essential elements of effective team management.

The three basic categories of team roles are action-oriented, people-oriented and thought-oriented. Let’s examine each category and the primary team roles inside it in more detail.


The category, Action-Oriented, focuses on getting things done. These roles are responsible for carrying out plans, monitoring development and removing barriers. This category’s crucial team roles consist of:

  • Completer-finisher: This role is tasked with completing all duties to the highest standard and paying special attention to every last detail. The person who ensures everything is done correctly and that no details are missed is the completer-finisher.
  • Implementer: This role is responsible for putting plans into action and making sure that tasks are carried out quickly and successfully. It is the implementer’s responsibility to complete tasks and see that plans are carried out.
  • Shaper: This role keeps the team moving forward by fostering progress and overcoming challenges. The shaper is the team’s motivator who ensures that challenges are overcome and keeps everyone on task.


The People-Oriented category focuses on interpersonal relationships and communication. These roles are responsible for ensuring that team members are working together, effectively, and that communication is flowing smoothly. Among the crucial team roles in this group are:

  • Coordinator: This role ensures sure that the team works well together and that communication is open. The coordinator encourages dispute resolution and makes sure that everyone is collaborating to achieve a common goal.
  • Resource investigator: This role is responsible for establishing and maintaining relationships with external stakeholders, such as clients and suppliers. As the team’s representative to the outside world, the resource investigator ensures the team gets the resources it needs to succeed.
  • Team worker: This role promotes teamwork and ensures that everyone gets along with one another. The team member supports others, aids in conflict resolution and promotes a healthy team culture.


The Thought-Oriented category emphasizes independent thought and problem-solving skills. These roles are responsible for generating original concepts and inventive solutions, overseeing development and offering specialist guidance and assistance. Among the crucial team roles in this group are:

  • Plant: This role is in charge of coming up with fresh concepts and inventive solutions. The plant is the team’s innovative problem-solver and creative thinker who finds creative answers to the team’s issues and challenges. This person is always looking for new methods to question the status quo and push the limits. They offer fresh viewpoints to the table and aid the group in coming up with creative solutions to difficult issues.
  • Monitor evaluator: This role assesses the team’s development and provides recommendations for improvement. By assessing the outcomes and results of the team’s activities, the monitor evaluator offers a critical assessment of the team’s development. This person aids in pinpointing areas that require improvement by offering the team advice and helpful criticism.
  • Specialist: This role concentrates on a specific area of expertise and provides the team with expert knowledge and support. The specialist is the professional who gives the group the specialized guidance and support it needs to succeed. They bring a profound grasp of their field of specialization and offer the team direction and assistance, helping to fill in any knowledge gaps and ensuring the team is making informed decisions.

Along with the crucial team roles already mentioned, it’s critical to remember that these responsibilities can alter and develop over time depending on the demands of the team and the project at hand. For instance, when working on a complicated project that calls for team coordination, a Shaper might assume the position of a Coordinator. Another element that helps a team succeed is the ability of its members to adapt and take on numerous responsibilities.

The efficiency and effectiveness of a team can be significantly increased by properly allocating team responsibilities. Each team member has to understand exactly what their duties are and how they contribute to the success of the project as a whole. In order to accomplish their shared objectives, team members must also have open channels of communication and work well together.

An MBA online program can help with that. Individuals can enhance the skills needed for efficient team management and the allocation of team duties by enrolling in an MBA online program, such as the one provided by Aston University. A typical MBA online program’s curriculum includes a variety of subjects, including organizational behavior, team management and leadership — all of which are essential for leading a diverse team.

In addition, the online MBA program provided by Aston University is especially designed to meet the demands of working people who want to advance their careers. In addition to enabling students to continue working and expanding their professional networks, the online program offers a flexible and convenient approach to receive top-notch business education.

According to a Forbes article, having a balanced team is crucial since everyone’s tasks and responsibilities can be clearly defined, and the synergies created when specialists from two distinct fields work together promote the project rather than hinder it. It is obvious that a balanced team is essential to success, and an MBA online school will help you acquire the abilities to put one together.

To sum up, having a balanced team is crucial for success in each and every firm.  A key aspect of effective team management is knowing the various team roles and how to distribute them within a team. An MBA online program can give students the skills and understanding they need to lead effectively, manage a balanced team and achieve success in their careers.