How to Feed Your Baby in the Right Way: Tips You Need To Know


Feeding a baby is one of the main aspects of baby care. Choosing between breastfeeding and formula feeding can be a complicated decision for a new mom. If you still haven’t decided which feeding method is best for your baby, this article may help you make a choice and provide useful feeding tips.


Breastfeeding is a natural and useful way of feeding a baby. Breast milk contains all the necessary nutrients for the development and health of the baby. It contains proteins, carbohydrates, and fats that contribute to the development of the baby’s brain, heart, and immune system.

Here are some helpful tips for breastfeeding:

  • Start feeding as soon as possible. When a baby is born, the first few hours are very important. The baby can start looking for the breast on its own, and this will help stimulate milk production.
  • Feed on demand. Do not plan feeding according to a clock or schedule, but feed on the baby’s demand. Breast milk composition changes according to the baby’s needs, so feed when the baby shows signs of hunger. Newborn babies usually need to be fed at least every 2-3 hours.
  • Follow the correct technique of latching the baby to the breast. The infant’s mouth should cover not only the nipple but also the entire areola or at least part of it.
  • Give your baby time. Breastfeeding can take longer than formula feeding. Newborn babies can feed for 10 to 45 minutes at a time, depending on their individual needs. Give the baby time to enjoy breast milk. This will help strengthen the bond between you and your infant and help ensure balanced nutrition.
  • Keep an eye on your diet. A mother’s diet affects breast milk. A diet rich in fruit, vegetables, and protein helps increase breast milk quality.
  • If you’re facing difficulties with breastfeeding, don’t give up too quickly. Breast milk contains nutrients and antibodies that help protect the baby from infections and diseases. Some problems, such as pain, can be solved with proper feeding techniques or a doctor’s advice.

Formula Feeding

Although breastfeeding is the natural way to feed a baby, baby formula is a great alternative for mothers who cannot breastfeed. Baby formulas have a composition as close as possible to breast milk and contain all the necessary nutrients. 

Here are some tips for formula feeding:

  • Choose the right formula. There are many different types of formulas on the market, with different compositions and properties. It is important to choose one that meets the needs of the baby and the doctor’s recommendations. You can check the organic formula comparison chart to learn more about the available options.
  • Consider possible allergies. Babies may be allergic to some ingredients of baby formulas. If you notice an allergic reaction in your baby, such as rashes or digestion issues, contact your doctor and consider another formula.
  • As with breastfeeding, feed your baby with formula on demand.
  • Learn more about the proper feeding technique. The formula feeding technique differs from the breastfeeding technique. Choose the right nipple for a baby bottle, considering the baby’s age, and maintain the correct position during feeding.
  • Do not overfeed your infant. The formula can be more concentrated than breast milk, so overfeeding can lead to health problems. Follow the doctor’s recommendations and the appropriate dosages on the formula package.

Taking care of a child is necessary, but don’t forget about your health. Try to get enough sleep, maintain a healthy and balanced diet, and drink enough water to stay hydrated.

It is necessary to keep in mind that every baby and every mother is unique. What works for one family may not work for another. If you are unable or do not want to breastfeed, using baby formula is a good option. Always follow your doctor’s recommendations and don’t hesitate to ask for additional support and advice.

Finally, it is important to remember that feeding a baby is not only about nutrition. It is also an opportunity for mother and child to create a bond, to provide the baby with comfort and a feeling of safety, and to promote healthy development. Let the feeding process be pleasant and useful for both of you.