Stay Secure From Email Spoofing and Phishing in 2022


Email spoofing is the most common cyber-attacks. With new scams and ways to deceive unsuspecting users, staying secure from these attacks is important.

Email security is the first line of defense against phishing. Read on to learn about new threats to watch out for in 2022. Here are a few tips to stay secure from these threats.

Email spoofing: one of the most common cyber-attacks

Email spoofing is a common cyber-attack that has become one of the most prolific and prevalent methods for stealing personal information. Most spoofing campaigns use common household names, executives, and vendors as the sending identities. Using a similar display name, the malicious sender can fool recipients into clicking on a link that will download malware or spy on their online behavior.

While most email addresses are predictable and look familiar, some are suspicious. Fortunately, users can learn to check the email source code for suspicious emails. With a little research, users can find out the IP address of the sender and trace it back to the real sender. Most email security products and platforms include Sender Policy Framework (SPF), an authentication protocol that helps users identify whether the message is legitimate. Soft fail results are often indicative of a spoofing email.

Phishing scams are evolving

The emergence of new technologies and the heightened risk of identity theft drive more people to open their wallets and send money online. As banking transactions move online, so do phishing scams. The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the conflict with Ukraine have spawned new ways for cybercriminals to collect data. As a result, phishing scammers are changing their tactics and targeting users with more sophisticated methods, such as impersonating reputable sources. Some of the most popular methods of phishing scams are through emails, while others are through web pages and other forms of direct transfer.

New types of phishing have emerged. These new techniques are used to steal personal information, including payment details. Phishing scams are also increasingly sophisticated, with sophisticated threats that aim to target large groups of people and spread quickly. These scams are based on email phishing, but they’ve also branched out into SMS, social media, and phone calls. These sites often look like legitimate sites, including bank and money transfer sites, so users might be tempted to enter information on them.

Discover more websites for free unlimited Spoof calling by visiting this post by TechWhoop.

Email security is the first line of defense against phishing

In the coming years, the growing threats of viruses, phishing, identity theft, and ransomware will force organizations to prioritize email security. Email security is a necessary step to protect sensitive email attachments from access by unauthorized users. Encryption ensures that only the recipient can see the content of the email. It will also prevent an attacker from monitoring the content of the email in transit.

The importance of employee education in email security is also a key consideration for enterprise-wide cybersecurity. A recent study found that employees receive an average of one malicious email monthly. This number rises to four times in some industries. In addition, some employees are unaware of phishing attacks; 8 out of 10 organizations reported at least one employee who had clicked on a malicious link. Fortunately, email security can protect an enterprise by preventing such emails from reaching employees.

New threats to watch out for in 2022

Ransomware attacks have made headlines throughout the year, but the number of these attacks continues to grow. These attacks are extremely profitable for attackers, and their widespread distribution has made them the most prominent cyber threat to organizations. Organizations have been affected by the widespread adoption of Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) policies. However, these policies have weakened security visibility and response times.

The online and mobile commerce world will continue to expand exponentially in 2022, and the number of fraudulent activities will rise, too. More apps will offer commerce capabilities, making it easier for users to shop. This increase in the number of apps will also widen the attack surface, and fraudsters are skilled at exploiting vulnerabilities. As businesses must catch up in securing their assets, they will face even greater attacks.

Supply chain attacks will continue to rise in prominence and become a major threat. In the third quarter of last year, hackers exposed the personal data of over 214 million users. This was due to a breach of a third-party contractor called Socialarks, which was hired by all three companies and had access to their networks. Because these attacks are so profitable, cyber threat actors will likely increase their use of supply chain attacks in 2022.