How to Successfully Join the Company When It Is the First Job


You got your first job. If you look at what it took to get where you are today, you may think that the worst and the most difficult stages of your life are over. But it only seems to be so. We won’t deny that all previous stages of life were easier — it’s impossible. You graduated from school, entered the university of your dreams, attended it every day to obtain new knowledge, and spent sleepless nights doing homework. When you come to the office to start your first day in the new company, you’ll understand that a lot of new and unknown things are waiting for you. All people are afraid of new things or places, and it’s okay. 

Stress and anxiety that’ll accompany you may make you think that studying was a great, carefree time when you didn’t have any responsibilities besides attending college and submitting tasks on time. Many learners won’t agree with our opinion since they are burdened by numerous assignments and think there’s nothing worse than college homework. The only thing we can tell them is that this stage of life isn’t the hardest and isn’t the most stressful one. While people are studying, they can at least count on a college essay writing service that can help them with doing any assignment. In case they have to submit an essay, they’d better ask Proessays for professional assistance with this type of paper. 

When you start your first job, the only person you can rely on is you. Sometimes more experienced colleagues turn out to be friendly enough to help, but it happens rarely. If you have no job experience and want to ensure the first one will be successful, consider checking our small guide. Very much depends on you.

Why is the first week important?

All people realize that the first impressions are often erroneous, but still, much rely on them. If you do something wrong on the first day and then show outstanding behavior and work performance, people will remember the mistake you’ve made, and nothing can be done with it. This trait is essential in human nature, and all we can do is put up with it. Employers usually have a certain test period that lasts 1-3 months to let the employees show their skills. Moreover, the period of adaptation to a new company is decisive because you evaluate how everything works here, compare your expectations to reality, and decide whether you want to work here or not. 

We’ve created a shortlist of actions for you to perform in the early days of work in a new company. 

  • Find out everything you can about the company

Experienced job seekers research each company before sending a CV to the HR manager and do the same if the recruiter contacts them first. You might not know it due to the lack of experience, and it’s okay. It’s possible to research a day or even a night before the first day. What about finding the reviews of former staff members? It’s great if you can contact these people and discuss the company with them. Take into account that they might leave the job, not on good terms, so a biased attitude is okay. The company’s social media can give you a lot of information about corporate culture, the company’s values, attire, and other aspects that matter to you. 

  • Introduce yourself well

You probably know your boss and a few colleagues after the interview, but you’ll have to meet many other people on your first day. We want you to put yourself in the best possible position. To do it you have to get rid of embarrassment and gain self-confidence. Nothing should make you doubt yourself, and even the fact that this job is the first can’t do it. Avoid being arrogant, such behavior will probably turn the colleagues off you, and any further attempts to build a friendly relationship will fail. The reaction of people will help you understand their attitude to you fast. If you see something negative, be short and get to work faster.

  • Put suggestions and demands for later

Do you want people to consider you an upstart? No? Then do your best to keep your opinion to yourself and don’t express it when it’s not necessary. We don’t argue that you may not have experience but understand how everything works in a company you’re working in, what should be improved, and stuff like that. Each worker needs time to become respected and be able to express opinions and demand something, but it never happens in one day.  Do your job well, show up every day, communicate with head and colleagues, and be active to fit in the team and become an essential part.

  • Memorize the essential information on the first week

The org chart is what you should always remember. Ask, and it’s even necessary, write down your colleagues’ names and do your best not to confuse them. Next, find out the position of each person and find out what they all do. This information is basic, but many people find it difficult to memorize it fast and face conflicts in the first place. You’ve devoted time to understanding who is who, it’s what can make your colleagues understand that you want to work in this company and have good relationships with each staff member.

  • Ask questions when it’s necessary

You’re in the first week of your first job, so it’s almost impossible to understand everything fast. By the way, most companies usually attach one worker to you to explain certain aspects of the workflow. If you have a mentor, prepare a set of questions and ask this person to devote time to you. But not all companies offer this opportunity, so you’ll have to communicate with other members, managers and sometimes even the boss to clarify certain aspects. Take the initiative and find information about training opportunities the company offers to show your interest in this position and work. 

  • Be open to learning

Being open to learning means having a positive and receptive attitude towards acquiring new knowledge, skills, and experiences. It involves being willing to step out of your comfort zone, take on new challenges, and seek feedback to improve yourself.

In the context of a first job, being open to learning means recognizing that you are starting a new chapter in your professional journey and that there is much to learn from your colleagues, supervisors, and the job itself. You may encounter new systems, technologies, and workflows, which may require you to adapt and learn quickly.

You Can Land Any Job

The list of tips is rather short, but it describes the most effective and essential ones. The more you work, the more you understand what behavior is acceptable and what actions make your colleagues treat you positively. The company has already chosen you, and it shows that they’re interested in such a worker as you are. Your task is not to undermine the credibility.