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Top 10 Tools For Node JS Development

Node.js is a top favorite among developers. If the report of StackOverflow is to be believed, 49% of web developers currently use the Node.js framework for web development. It sounds quite right to us. Node.js indeed is one of the most trusted web development frameworks.

If you’re a budding developer, planning your way through Node.js development, we’re here to help.

We’ll list out 10 tools here that will simplify the process of web development using Node.js. Let’s get started.


The first name on our list is Mocha.js. This JavaScript framework is entirely based on Node.js. It is probably the best choice for you if you’re planning to perform Test Driven Development and Behavior Driven Development. This Node.js development tool is very much comfortable with different libraries as well.


If you’re in search of a robust web development tool, Express.js should be your first choice. There are a large array of features associated with Express.js that help in the mobile and web application development processes, seamlessly. The combination of Node.js and Express.js can be sufficient to design a decent website. Some of the major features associated with Express.js include database integration, easier multiple routing, etc.


Sinon.js is the best testing framework for developers working with JavaScript. The cross-browse support of this framework makes it a favorite for many. This framework can effectively run based on the Node.js server. Every web developer should give this framework a try. Also, the mocking library within Sinon.js is completely worth it.


If you’re looking for a framework that can deploy bi-directional communication that is also event-based, Socket.io should be your first choice. This real-time engine is also arguably the fastest on our list of top 10 Node.js development tools. The real-time visuals associated with this tool are also remarkable. Socket.io helps you with real-time analytics consisting of charts and counters. Hire Node.js developers who are comfortable with Socket.io and be part of effortless debugging, binary assistance, and scalability.


This is more like a middleware of authentication for Node.js. You can authenticate any application in as many as 300 different ways using Passport.js. In fact, if you can use the combination of Passport.js and Express.js, the implementation becomes smoother. By pairing Node.js with Passport.js, you can build applications that are trending according to customers’ demands.


If you’re a newbie and looking for a framework that simplifies Node.js development the most, you better start working with Keystone. This open-source web development framework is the number one choice for beginners. Also, the database used in Keystone is from MongoDB.

Hence, creating websites and APIs that are database-driven comes naturally to Keystone. Keystone helps you with a powerful CMS framework. With Keystone by your side, coding and website development takes place effortlessly. Developers who’re just starting out should take Keystone more seriously.


Webpack is particularly known for bundling up all Java files and to use them within a browser. There can be one or more bundles based on the runtime. Webpack, therefore, has a major role to play in reducing the loading time of a website. If you can use the pair of Webpack and Node.js, the bundling process becomes faster and the process of web-development becomes an absolute pleasure.


PM2 is another one of the easiest web-development tools that works smoothly with Node.js. Process managers who are handling Node.js applications should start using PM2 readily. There are some essential product development features associated with PM2 that make the whole process smoother. The global community of developers is often heard praising the PM2 framework.


Broccoli is another cool Node.js development tool. This tool is completely based on the ES6 module. This tool is popular as it supports features like constant-time rebuild and compact build definition. Using this tool is pretty easy.


Finally, we’ll conclude our list with BlueBird.js. If you don’t always know, let us tell you, it is more of a promise library. This tool can help you control all the asynchronous codes. In the presence of BlueBird.js, differentiating between files is not a problem. Go for this tool if the quality of codes matter to you.

Recommended Reading : 

Final Words 

We hope you got some clarity over the top Node.js development tools. Do you want to add anything else to this list? Let us know in the comments.

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