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The Most Popular Back-End Frameworks for Web Development

Back-end frameworks have become an integral part of web development providing programmers with a wide selection of tools, resources, and solutions to leverage. A well-chosen framework is one of the keys to a project’s success.

This article covers the advantages and disadvantages of the most popular back-end frameworks helping to make the right decision.

What is a Back-End Framework

While front-end frameworks are responsible for the client-side of the development,back-end, in contrast,  concentrate on the server-side helping programmers to create a data access layer of the web app. Back-end developers not only build web services but also establish integration with the front-end development part. Back-end frameworks require the knowledge of such programming languages like Java, PHP, Ruby on Rails, Python, etc. A well-chosen server-side framework ensures web app scalability, security, and high performance.

Top 5 Back-End Frameworks for Your Web Application

There is a vast selection of back-end tools that offer cutting-edge solutions for more efficient web development. Here is a list of the 5 best back-end frameworks:


Laravel is an open-source PHP framework used for web app development. Many Laravel development companies use this framework to build highly-scalable, intuitive, and easy-to-manage web applications.


    1. MVC. Laravel uses the Model-View-Controller architectural pattern. It helps to structure and manage the code effectively. Moreover, MVC facilitates the separation of the roles in the project and provides full control over the development process.
    2. Cache. Laravel integration with cache improves the execution speed and performance of any system since it becomes easier to retrieve the necessary data.
    3. High-class security. Laravel provides its users with improved security management. It minimizes the risks of fraud and any malware activities.
    4. Control. Laravel framework offers built-in control features over authentication and role-based access control. It makes the apps more secure and easy-to-control.
    5. Testing. Laravel provides developers with automated testing. By supporting PHP Unit with phpunit.xml testing becomes much easier.
    6. Tools and Libraries. Laravel has a vast number of tools and access to rich libraries that help developers to build robust and scalable applications.


    1. Poor built-in support. Being a small-scale framework it can’t provide the same built-in support as large frameworks like Django.
    2. Misleading simplicity. Despite being friendlier than other web development frameworks, Laravel is not as easy as it seems at first sight.
    3. Problems with updates. Laravel is criticized  for post-update problems. However, they can be managed if the developer has enough experience in coping with familiar issues.

Spring Boot

Spring Boot is an open-source Java framework developed as integration to the Spring framework. It allows developing stand-alone Spring apps. This framework stands out for building highly efficient Spring applications. Here are some of the pros and cons of Spring Boot application development.


    1. Easy-to-use. Spring Boot is considered as a user-friendly framework that allows reducing development time and ensures programmers’ productivity.
    2. Speed. Spring Boot framework allows setting up and running stand-alone, web apps, and microservices at an advantageous speed.
    3. HTML servers. Spring Boot offers embedded support for Undertow, Jetty, and Tomcat for app testing.
    4. Integration with Spring. Access to the Spring ecosystem provides developers with all the Spring features such as Spring Data, Spring Security, etc.


  1. Control. Spring Boot is notorious for having a lack of control and flexibility.
  2. Dependence on Spring. It is not easy to dive into Spring Boot frameworks without being acquainted with Spring ecosystem features.


Django is one of the most popular server-side frameworks working on Python. It is based on MVT architecture and is used to develop highly-scalable and feature-rich websites.


    1. Libraries. Django is a Python framework that provides access to rich libraries and packages.
    2. “Batteries included”. It means that developers can use a big variety of packages that are included out-of-the-box.
    3. Speed. This web development framework has become popular for being fast. What is more, it doesn’t require much time for learning thus developers can start using it effectively in a very short time.
    4. Security. Django ensures high-level security providing such solutions as cross-site scripting, SQL injection, and others.
    5. Versatility. Django can be used to manage computing platforms, social networks, big corporations, etc.


  1. Monolithic. Developers consider Django as a single unit that makes it look too rigid and inflexible.
  2. Only for large-scale projects. Small-scale projects don’t benefit from using this framework as they don’t need such a big variety of features.
  3. Lack of working principles. Django framework doesn’t offer a stable set of conventions for web development.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is a free framework for Ruby that gained recognition due to a vast assortment of plugins that make web development faster and more productive.


    1. Time-efficient. A rich selection of plugins and access to open-source libraries significantly accelerates the development speed making it possible to launch the product on the market within a short period.
    2. Scalable. Ruby on Rails has become a choice of many developers due to its high level of scalability.
    3. Simplicity. This framework is easy-to-use even for beginners since there are many tutorials and ready-made solutions to ease the initial stage of using it.


  1. Runtime speed. Despite being proud of the high development speed, runtime speed is not a merit of Ruby on Rails.
  2. Poor flexibility. Ruby on Rails is more suitable for the development of stable web apps. When it comes to unique solutions and customization, it doesn’t show robust performance.
  3. Documentation. It is sometimes challenging to find necessary documentation for some libraries.


CakePHP is a popular open-source PHP framework. This back-end tool allows building efficient applications within a short time.


  1. MVC. Model-View-Controller helps developers to separate business logic and interface.
  2.  No XML files. Developing apps with CakePHP doesn’t need sophisticated XML and YAML files.
  3. Code reusability. CakePHP framework allows building reusable pieces of code reducing the time spent on the development.
  4. Flexibility. This server-side framework has a system of templates that let programmers improve the applications’ look.


  1. Complexity. CakePHP is much more sophisticated than other PHP frameworks.
  2. Documentation. Some developers criticize CakePHP for having insufficient documentation that needs significant improvements.

What to Consider When Selecting a Back-End Framework?

When it comes to choosing a server-side framework, some important features need to be calculated:


There is a big choice of back-end development frameworks, and all of them have some pros and cons. When choosing one, it is necessary to focus on the goals and needs of the specific project. A well-selected framework can boost customer engagement, ensure robust performance, and lead the company to success.

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