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What You Need to Make the Perfect Medical Resume

Job hunting, on the one hand, can be somewhat exciting. The world is your oyster and there are so many unknowns out there that it’s exciting. You find a place you may work at and start to envision your day there and what your job may look like.

On the other hand, it can be incredibly stressful. You are constantly going through job boards and putting filters on your searches. Plus, if one more place asks you to attach your resume then fill all that information in on a separate screen you may toss your computer out the window.

Looking for a job in the medical field can bring about some of the same highs and lows. Before you start looking, you need to make sure you have the perfect resume to give yourself the best chance at landing your ideal job.

Make Your Resume Specific to Each Job

Hopefully, you’ve already figured out which job in the medical field you’re pursuing. You got into this field to help people but first, you have to help yourself.

After all, you have had four years of undergrad, four years of medical school, a few years of residency, board exams, licenses, and maybe even a fellowship to help you narrow it down.

If you studied cardiology, then you’re going to be looking for cardiology positions. Even though this is likely to carry the same responsibilities from hospital to hospital, you should be tailoring your resume to each specific job announcement.

The best way to do this is by looking at the job announcement itself and choosing some of the “buzzwords” they have used in the posting. If they’re looking for a dynamic and flexible doctor, mention how you are both flexible and dynamic in your resume.

Will it take extra time? Yes, but it will be well worth it in the long run.

Try To Stick to Two Pages

Your medical career, up to this point, has been a long and often complex process. You went to undergrad in Texas, medical school in Kentucky, and did your residency in Georgia. Not only have you been exposed to a wide range of Southern accents, but you’ve also had a wide range of experiences.

That being said, it may seem hard to keep your resume short and sweet. A study using eye-tracking software found that recruiters and HR staff look at a resume for an average of seven seconds.

That’s not a lot of time.

So you’ve got to make sure that your resume is packed with the best information to catch their eye. If it’s longer than a few pages, chances are the recruiter isn’t even going to get to that point.

Consider a Short Statement at the Beginning

Ask around and you’re likely to hear split opinions on whether or not you should put a short summary statement or statement of purpose at the beginning of your resume.

Since your resume is likely to be longer than the average job applicant’s, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to include a very short summary statement of your career.

Here’s what you want to mention:

Remember, recruiters are looking at hundreds of resumes each week so you want to go straight to the point and make them remember you.

Choose a Clean Format

There is no perfect format for a medical resume. For those looking at one at a glance, you may not notice any difference between a medical one and your average one.

That being said, you should make your resume as clean, organized, and detailed as possible. Use easy-to-read fonts and at least size 11 so no one has to squint.

Even though you may be tempted to pack as much information into your resume as possible, try to make efficient use of white space and your borders. You want to make reading your resume a breeze, not a chore.

Use action-oriented words for your job descriptions and highlight any relative experiences to the job.

You also want to embellish a little but don’t lie. Lying on your resume could get you into trouble later on.

Proof and Proof Again

What’s an easy way to have your resume thrown to the back of a pile? Multiple grammar or spelling errors.

Make sure you proofread your resume, read things out loud and have someone else take a look as well. You don’t have to take all their suggestions into play, but it is always good to have a second pair of eyes on your resume.

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