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4 Types of Web Hosting For Your Business

With the advancement of technological World, the rapid increase in people moving towards online businesses has seen in the previous years. Different types of hosting services are provided by the best web hosting service provider companies. Most of the people do not know which kind of web hosting service they should choose for their website.

In addition, the decision of selecting the web hosting plan for the website is the most crucial decision for the growth and maintenance of the online business. You can get an idea about the hosting plans by visiting the best web hosting companies conscripted by BigOfficer. This article is providing you with an explanation about different types of hosting services.

Shared Web Hosting

As it is evident from the name, the shared web hosting services share the server with different website owners. Shared web hosting is the most common type of hosting service provided by most hosting provider companies.

Shared hosting services are most preferable for the small & medium scale businesses because the servers are shared among different users and the count of users may increase up to thousand or more. In the case of affordability, this is the cheapest option for anyone to start the online website with a low-cost budget.

Cloud-Based Hosting

Cloud-based hosting is utterly opposed to the services of the shared web hosting. In shared hosting, we share one server for different websites. However, in cloud hosting, we share different servers for one website. In this case, the site is maintained on different servers, and one server can be used to share the other’s responsibility in case of any crash.

It increases the efficiency and speed of the website, and the visitors can access the site from the nearest server they have. It terminates the unexpected failures and makes sure that the data is being transferred continuously.

Managed WordPress Hosting Services

WordPress is one of the most popular web builders, and people are choosing it for their ease-of-use and saving their time in building the website. The hosting companies are providing the Managed WordPress hosting plans with installed WordPress.

This plan ensures the security and protection of the WordPress site. It gives the WordPress updates, daily backups for the safety and maximum website uptime. The premium support of this hosting plan is one of the best options for the customers. Fine the best web hosting comparison in the internet and choose your plan.

Dedicated Server Hosting

Dedicated server hosting service is entirely different from other hosting plans offered to the customers. In this hosting plan, a web server accommodates only one individual website that is different from the shared & cloud hosting services. Dedicated hosting plan does not share the resources of the server among the various users and stabilize the website of the customers.

It ensures the security and safety of the customers’ sites with only single user access to the server. This service is a little expensive to the users but ensures the reliability and satisfaction of the customers. Large scale businesses require the dedicated server hosting plan for their reliability and security.

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